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max matrix from 3D matrix

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Sanghyun Lee
Sanghyun Lee il 9 Set 2019
Modificato: madhan ravi il 9 Set 2019
I want to get the max values of each point of the matrix from all 3D matrix and I want the final answer to be a 2D matrix with the same rows and columns as before

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madhan ravi
madhan ravi il 9 Set 2019
  1 Commento
madhan ravi
madhan ravi il 9 Set 2019
Modificato: madhan ravi il 9 Set 2019
"doesn't seem to work for me"
is completely useless and if you want a reliable answer you need to explain with illustration of why it's not working with a short 2 by 2 3D matrix and a desired result for that matrix.

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