Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

changeFilePaths function not working, all files are returned as unresolved paths

11 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am using a ground truth object to store segmentation labels. I have a folder containing my images, the ground truth object, and the PixelMapLabels folder. I have moved this folder to a new directory and in order to get my matlab code to use the ground truth object in the new directory I need to change its file paths with the changeFilePaths(gTruth, alter_paths) function.
Below is my code:
% Set datapath
datapath = '/scratch/qbi/uqhrile1';
training_datapath = strcat(datapath,'/training_dataset');
% Get training and testing datasets
training_dataset = imageDatastore(strcat(training_datapath,'/images_rgb'));
% Change pixel map label datapath
old_data_source = 'D:\20190618-f1\images_extracted_from_zebrafish_movies\20190618-f1_10-27-56\training_dataset\labels';
new_data_source = strcat(training_datapath,'/labels');
old_pixellabel_path = 'D:\20190618-f1\images_extracted_from_zebrafish_movies\20190618-f1_10-27-56\training_dataset\pixel_maps\PixelLabelData';
new_pixellabel_path = strcat(training_datapath,'/pixel_maps/PixelLabelData');
alter_paths = {[old_data_source new_data_source];[old_pixellabel_path new_pixellabel_path]};
unresolved_paths = changeFilePaths(gTruth,alter_paths)
Here is the output (I won't include all of it because it's a very long list of filenames):
[Warning: The data source points to one or more image files that cannot be
found. Update the DataSource filenames using <a
href="matlab:doc('changeFilePaths')">changeFilePaths</a> method.]
[> In groundTruth>checkImageFilenames (line 1375)
In groundTruth/checkIfSourceExists (line 1123)
In groundTruth.loadobj (line 988)
In segmentation_neural_network (line 21)]
unresolved_paths =
200x1 string array
Etcetera. I know that the issue is not the difference between backslash (\) and slash (/) - the reason why the old pathways use slash and the new pathways use backslash is because I am moving my code and dataset from Windows to Linux.
Can anyone tell me why all of the pathways I am trying to change are coming back as unresolved?
  1 Commento
Heather Riley
Heather Riley il 17 Set 2019
Update: Based on my understanding of changePathFiles an unresolved path is a file that MATLAB couldn't locate in the new pathway.
I used
if exists(strcat(training_datapath,'/pixel_maps/PixelLabelData'), 'dir')
to check whether the folders for the new pathways could be found by MATLAB, and they could, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

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