How can I design flat magnitude response IIR filter ?

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I want to design flat magnitude response IIR filter to simulate the memory effect of High Power Amplifier nonlinearities

Risposte (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider il 9 Ott 2019
I am not certain what you want the filter to do. One option is to design a lowpass filter with a cutoff near the Nyquist frequency. There are several ways to implement such a filter, and filter your signal.
It would help if you describe ‘the memory effect of High Power Amplifier nonlinearities’ in more detail. I am familiar with AF and RF power amplifiers, however I am not aware of this effect.
  3 Commenti
Star Strider
Star Strider il 9 Ott 2019
Unfortunately, I cannot help you with this. I have not used Simulink in a while, and I cannot design filters with it.
From your initial description, I thought that this was a much more straightforward problem than it turned out to be.
Abdelwahab Afifi
Abdelwahab Afifi il 29 Ott 2019
when I tried to use the given parameters to simulate the filter response, I get a different response? can you help me to estimate the parameters that give the original response ?Untitled.png

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