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excell logarithmic trend formula equivalent in matlab

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi everyone I would like to ask if anyone knows if there is matlab equivalent of excell logarithmic trend fitting function in matlab, which will also show trend formula like this y=a+b*ln(x)

Risposte (1)

Matt Fig
Matt Fig il 1 Ott 2012
x = 1:.1:10;
y = 3 + 4.5 * log(x);
  3 Commenti
Matt Fig
Matt Fig il 1 Ott 2012
Ummm, I am not certain that you looked at what I posted... Did you see what polyfit returned above? If it worked on your machine like it does on mine then it returned the same coefficients I used in calculating y.
So to recap. I did not tell polyfit what a and b are, I simply passed it some data and it figured out what a and b are as a function of the data. Sounds like what you describe above... Now if you want to make a function out of the return from polyfit (for plotting or whatever), look at the help for POLYVAL and read up on function handles.
Lusine il 1 Ott 2012
Thaнks I just got in what You said, it seems to be what I needed.

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