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Azzera filtri

How do I solve system of equations?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Musa Kasim AGCA
Musa Kasim AGCA il 29 Feb 2020
Commentato: darova il 29 Feb 2020
eqn1 = a*H - 790*a*P1 + 1590*b*P1 - 2380*E == 0;
eqn2 = b*H - 793*a*P1 + 1593*b*P1 - 2386*E == 0;
a and b are the unknowns that I try to find.
H and P1 are 64*64 matrices.
E is the row vector 1*64.
E, H, and P1 are known.
How should I construct the solution ?
  1 Commento
darova il 29 Feb 2020
Can you explain more? What those matrices represent? TO find 2 variable you only need 2 equations but you have 128

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Are Mjaavatten
Are Mjaavatten il 29 Feb 2020
If I understand you correctly, your system consist of 128 eqations. a and b are arrays of 64 unknowns each. You must then solve the system:
In Matlab:
x = [H-790*P1,1590*P1;-793*P1,H+1593*P1]\[2380*E;2386*E];
a = x(1:64);
b = x(65:128);
If this is a bit confusing, see the description of Matab's backslash operator.

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