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How to implement Discrete Integration of the Gaussian Function on a Grid?

7 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I want to implement a physical problem, where the photons are incident on a 2D sensor as a Gaussian Function. I need to find out the number of photons hitting each pixel.
I know the total number of photons incident on the sensor as well as the spread of the Gaussian Function.
I can't use the PDF of a Gaussian Function as its a point value.
Any ideas on how to implement this on Matlab would be extremely helpful.

Risposta accettata

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson il 13 Mag 2020
In that case you better integrate your Gaussian (point-spread-function?) over the pixel-areas. You could use something like this:
ph_cnt = @(x,y,x0,y0,sx,sy) integral2(@(u,v) exp(-((u-x0).^2/sx^2)+(v-y0).^2/sy^2^2),x,x+1,y,y+1);
Where x and y are the pixel-indices, x0 and y0 are the centroid of your photon-beam, sx and sy are the horizontal and vertical widths of the beam. You will still have to manage the normalization of the integral to give you the correct total photon-count.
  4 Commenti
Neilabh Banzal
Neilabh Banzal il 13 Mag 2020
I have to perform the integration on a grid of 1024 x 1280 pixels, for some 20 beams of photons. So, Intnegration would take a lot of time. And I can't vectorise the integration (As far as I know)
I am currently using the PDF value at the midpoint of the pixel. The problem is that most of my sigma spreads are too small for the PDF approximation to be valid.
Thanks for all your inputs. :)
- N
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson il 13 Mag 2020
But if your beams are narrow, you certainly don't need to integrate over the entire 1024x1280 area. If you restrict the integration to an aera around each centre-point your relative error should be on the order of 1-erf(5)^2 or ~3e-12. To detect that small differences would require "very good" accuray for your photon-count.

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