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Azzera filtri

How to find rotation matrix from 4 rectangle points

7 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have 4 3d points(x, y, z). Using these points how can I calculate rotation angle? Consequently, I want to have a 4x4 transformation matrix including rotation and translation information.
4 points are in a plane and they are corners of rectangle and I set the top-left point as the origin of the rectangle coordinate. Look at the bellow pictures.
Here I only have four 3D points(Xw,Tw,Zw) based on the world coordinate. According to the 4 points, I can calculate 4 points based on the rectangle coordinate. For instance, value [Xr] in P2 is the distance between P1 and P2. And [-Yr] in P3 is the distance between P1 and P3.
Then how could I get rotation angle of the rectangle based on the world coordinate using those information?
Additional information (3d points in the world coordinate):
P1(-401.428, 485.929, 772.921)
P2(-21.4433, 475.611, 772.511)
P3(-400.982, 483.56, 403.703)
P4(-21.589, 473.028, 403.242)

Risposta accettata

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 30 Mag 2020
Wouldn't the rotation matrix be
rotMatrix = pDistorted \ pStraight
  4 Commenti
SOONMYUN JANG il 3 Giu 2020
I want to get a rotation information such as 3x3 rotation matrix.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 3 Giu 2020
Again: "what do you want your transformed data coordinates to be?" You gave only input coordinates, not output coordinates.

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