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Plot Zero on a Contour Plot

7 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Amanda il 27 Nov 2012
I'm plotting z values, 0 to 10, on a contour plot.
When I include data 1 or greater, I obtain a contour plot. Like the following:
longitude = [80 82 95]
latitude = [30 32 35]
temp = [1 4 6; 1 2 7; 3 5 7]
Now, I want to plot the ZERO VALUE also on the contour plot. While I was expecting one color representing the zero value, instead I obtained a white square.
longitude = [80 82 95]
latitude = [30 32 35]
temp = [0 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0]
  1 Commento
Doug Hull
Doug Hull il 27 Nov 2012
Where on the original set of temp data is there an isoline of values equal to zero? The answer is nowhere! That is why you are not getting a zero value. In the second example, all the data is zero, so it is a degenerate problem.

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