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How to create a personalized colormap?

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Luca il 27 Nov 2012
I would like to create a colormap function which takes in a value from say 0 to 100 and return a color, which I can then use in plot/patch functions. I'd need the color to go from white to e.g. red, but if you can provide a general example it's even better.
Thanks for any tip!
  1 Commento
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 28 Nov 2012
Modificato: Image Analyst il 28 Nov 2012
How about
myColormap = flipud(hot(100))
indexes start at 1. If you need to start at 0 just add one before you get the actual index.

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Matt Fig
Matt Fig il 27 Nov 2012
Modificato: Matt Fig il 27 Nov 2012
You can easily do it. Make the surface go from white to red as you say...
CM = [ones(1,100);linspace(0,1);linspace(0,1)].';
% Or, set(gcf,'colormap',flipud(CM))
So to use a colormap you just need an m-by-3 matrix. Each row is a color that will be indexed into by surfaces, etc. To find out more, look at the documentation for colormap.


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