Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Does anyone know how to use the matlab to calculate the minimu distance between a point outside oval and the oval surface?

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Does anyone know how to use the matlab to calculate the minimu distance between a point outside oval and the oval surface?
  3 Commenti
huazai2020 il 29 Giu 2020
The oual can be both given in the form of an equation or data points. How to use the bwdist(), could you share me the code?

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Risposta accettata

Matt J
Matt J il 30 Giu 2020
Modificato: Matt J il 30 Giu 2020
You can use trustregprob from the File Exchange
For example, consider the following ellipse and external point y,
A=[2 1;1,2]; %Ellipse equation matrix
y=[1;0.5]; %External point
z=[0.584808315593597 ; 0.201052451754066]; %Closest point
ellipsefun=@(p,q) sum([p;q].*(A*[p;q]))-1 ;
hold on
fimplicit(ellipsefun, [-1 1.3 -1 1.3])
axis equal
hold off
I found the closest point z using the code below,
z=Aroot\trustregprob(L.'*L, L.'*y,1);
and the minimum distance is just,
>> distance=norm(z-y)
distance =
  20 Commenti
huazai2020 il 7 Lug 2020
What is FEX AND H1? Are they these?
Find the projection of point P in R^n on the ellipsoid
E = { x = x0 + U*(z.*radii) : |z| = 1 }, where U is orthogonal matrix of the orientation of E, radii are the axis lengths, and x0 is the center.
Or on generalized conic E = { x : x'*A*x + b'*x + c = 0 }.
The projection is the minimization problem:
min | x - P | (or max | x - P|) for x in E.
Method: solve the Euler Lagrange equation with respect to the Lagrange multiplier, which can be written as polynomial equation (from an idea by Roger Stafford)
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong il 8 Lug 2020
FEX short word for File Exchange. Click on it I put the link on my message.

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Più risposte (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 4 Lug 2020
"The oual can be both given in the form of an equation or data points." <== if you have data points (xb, yb) on the boundary of an ellipse/oval, you can use sqrt() to find the distances to some other point (xp, yp). Then use in() to find the minimum distance.
distances = sqrt(xb-xp).^2 + (yb-yp).^2);
minDistance = min(distances)
If you have an image then you need to get the boundary points first:
boundaries = bwboundaries(binaryImageOfEllipse);
boundaries = boundaries{1}; % Extract double array from cell array.
xb = boundaries(:, 2);
yb = boundaries(:, 1);
  10 Commenti
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 18 Lug 2020
No, you shouldn't use an inner loop because your minDistance will just be the distance between (x1,y1) and xwoint(Num2) and ywoint(Num2) instead of the whole array. Do it like this:
clear all;
A = xlsread('data1.xlsx');
for k=1:1:Num1
x1 = xpoint(k);
y1 = ypoint(k);
distances = sqrt((xwoint-x1).^2 + (ywoint-y1).^2);
minDistance(k) = min(distances)*1000;
plot(minDistance, 'b-');
% xlswrite('thick.xlsx',minDistance,'sheet1');
Not sure why you wanted to multiply by 1000 though.

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Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong il 5 Lug 2020




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