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Check if there are repeated elements in a vector

38 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi to all, is there a command to check if there are repeated elements in a vector; I just have to check in an "if"...
thanks a lot

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 4 Dic 2012
if length(v) == length(unique(v))
% There are no repeats.
  6 Commenti
Yasir Iqbal
Yasir Iqbal il 25 Nov 2021
You can simply craete a copy of the vector with the required amount of values. There can be other ways around also. Just a suggestion.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 25 Nov 2021
@Larissa Monjaraz I don't understand because you forgot to provide your example with actual numbers. So about all I can say is to try ismember().

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