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Azzera filtri

System and System.Dia​gnostics.P​rocess

28 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have a program that runs in the console window on windows 10. The program puts out a continuos stream of data and i need to take the data and save it as a numeric matrix in MatLab. I could easily do this with the system() function however, I need to use the data in real time as the program in the console is still running and feeding me new data. So if you just simply use the system() funtion then matlab will never move past that line becasue the program never stops running in the command window. I have read about System.Diagnostics.Process() but I am not sure how to use it and matlab does not have documentation on what the methods actually do. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

Risposta accettata

Mario Malic
Mario Malic il 26 Ago 2020
Modificato: Mario Malic il 26 Ago 2020
Here's an example with simple app.
Process = System.Diagnostics.Process;
% You can check if process is still running
while(Process.HasExited == false)
% do something
If you are running an executable file with input arguments, see the answer here:
Alternative below
I am onto this question as well, you can run
system('file.exe %')
With ampersand, MATLAB won't wait for the exit of program.
while (% stop the key with press of a button or however you want to)
% your code

Più risposte (1)

Rahul J Hirur
Rahul J Hirur il 3 Giu 2022
Hello Walter,
@Walter Mabry , Were you able to print ouptput in the console/windows command prompt ?
If you were sucessful, Can you share the snippet of teh script ?


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