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Accessing files from my Matlab Drive in a script

13 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello everybody,
I´m looking for a solution to access .m-files, that I saved in my Matlab Drive linked to my account. I want to load these files into my workspace on my desktop computer. Is there a command, that addresses files in my Matlab Drive?
I appreciate your support. Thanks in advance.

Risposta accettata

Gareth il 17 Ago 2020
Hi Christian,
While there is not currently a command to access your MATLAB Drive content programatically, if you have installed MATLAB Drive Connector then you can use the MATLAB Drive button to cd into your MATLAB Drive folder inside of MATLAB. You can then use those files as you would any other local files and load them into your workspace etc.
I hope that helps,
Best wishes,
  3 Commenti
Gareth il 17 Ago 2020
Hi Christian,
We do listen to customer feedback and this is something that has been requested previously - if/when I can provide an update on this functionality I will reply to this Answer to let you know.
Thanks and best wishes,
Christian Schaaf
Christian Schaaf il 17 Ago 2020
alright, thank you for the excellent support!

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Più risposte (1)

Gareth il 11 Mar 2021
Hi Christian, MATLAB R2021a has now been released and we've added a new matlabdrive function which when combined with fullfile can be used to construct a path to files in your MATLAB Drive that will work in both MATLAB Online and on the desktop.
For example, a script could now call something like the following, and it should work equally well so long as MATLAB Drive is available on that computer:
A = imread(fullfile(matlabdrive, 'Images', 'BinaryImages', 'binary1.bmp'));
Hopefully this helps towards the usecase that you were inquiring about!
Best wishes,


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