90% Percentile of Matrix

65 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Jonathan Moorman
Jonathan Moorman il 17 Ago 2020
Commentato: Star Strider il 3 Set 2020
Hi! I am trying to find a way to calculate the 90% percentile of a matrix (1,n) . I provide an example below, and the value I would need to find is 0.292. (Note the matrix will changes in length). How could this be done?
[0.289, 0.254, 0.287, 0.292, 0.289, 0.267, 0.289, 0.304, 0.284, 0.282]

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 17 Ago 2020
Here are two possibilities, the second of which gives you the exact value in your Question:
v = [0.289, 0.254, 0.287, 0.292, 0.289, 0.267, 0.289, 0.304, 0.284, 0.282];
Out1 = prctile(v, 90)
Out2 = interp1(linspace(1/numel(v),1,numel(v)), sort(v), 0.9)
Out1 =
Out2 =
  6 Commenti
Jonathan Moorman
Jonathan Moorman il 3 Set 2020
Working great again. Thanks!
Star Strider
Star Strider il 3 Set 2020
As always, my pleasure!

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Più risposte (1)

jonas il 17 Ago 2020
There is probably a one-liner for this, but I guess you could use
A = [0.289, 0.254, 0.287, 0.292, 0.289, 0.267, 0.289, 0.304, 0.284, 0.282];
B = sort(A);
id = round(numel(A).*0.9)


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