How to plot (1) amplitude vs time and (2) amplitude vs frequency plots from .wav file

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Hi, I am having some trouble trying to figure out how to plot an Amplitude vs Frequency plot from a .wav file. I think I managed to figure out how to plot the Amplitude vs Time plot though.
Here is my code:
[y,Fs]=audioread('HornC5.wav'); %Reads .wav file into 2 matrices for amplitude (y) and sampling frequency (Fs)
% sound(y,Fs); % see what it sounds like
y=y(:,1); % Converts to a single channel
t=0:dt:(length(y)*dt)-dt; %Matrix for time points
% I don't really now how to code the Fourier Transform part :(
plot(t,y); title('Horn C5'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Amplitude'); % Amplitude vs Time plot

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 26 Ago 2020
The amplitude - Frequency plot would go something like this:
[y,Fs]=audioread('HornC5.wav'); %Reads .wav file into 2 matrices for amplitude (y) and sampling frequency
L = size(y,1);
Fn = Fs/2;
FTy = fft(y)/L;
Fv = linspace(0, 1, fix(L/2)+1)*Fn;
Iv = 1:numel(Fv);
plot(Fv, abs(FTy(Iv,:))*2)
There could be two channels in the .wav file. This will plot both of them in the same plot. Note that ‘Fn’ is the Nyquist frequency, ‘Fv’ is the frequency vector, and ‘Iv’ is the index vector for the plot or other analyses.
I do not have your .wav file so I could not test this with it. It should work.
  3 Commenti
Star Strider
Star Strider il 16 Dic 2020
The frequency units (here) are Hz, amplitude is whatever the transducer produced (e.g. mV) or was transformed to (e.g. Pascals if calibrated with respect to Sound pressure level).
It’s complicated!
Gowri R
Gowri R il 19 Dic 2022
Hi,could you please help to plot this waveform as time in xaxis (milliseconds) and amplitude (microvolts) in y axis.

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Più risposte (1)

Sara Boznik
Sara Boznik il 26 Ago 2020
plot(t,y); title('Horn C5'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Amplitude'); % Amplitude vs Time plot
I will do it like that.


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