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Documentation for protected/private methods

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Peter Borda
Peter Borda il 6 Ott 2020
Modificato: Peter Borda il 6 Ott 2020
I find the Matlab built-in solution for automatically generating classdef documentation page to be quite a handy solution:
doc MyClassdef
Following some basic commenting rules it makes rapid documentation lot easier.
However, I bumped into an issue, for which I couldn't find a work-around yet... I define some static methods using some external m-files. The external file contains all the explanations and help for the user, so that the main classdef can be kept relatively clean. These 'documentation-snippets' however cannot be accessed over the rapid Matlab documentation tool if they are set to private or protected, thus all the help is hidden...
classdef MyClassdef
function SomeUserTriggeredFunction(varargin)
a = obj.ExternalStaticMethod(varargin);
methods (Static, Access = ?Protected)
a = ExternalStaticMethod(varargin)
A fast-foreward solution would be to get rid of the external m-file and copy every single comment line directly in the 'SomeUserTriggeredFunction' methodm, but I would end up with a classdef containing tons of comments.
What would be your proposed solution for the situation? Do you have any idea for keeping the main classdef clean, but also giving the user the possibility to access the helps?
Many thanks in advance! BOPe

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