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Antenna Center Axis Alignment or Offset

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Neev il 10 Nov 2020
Risposto: Kiran Felix Robert il 18 Dic 2020
I am recreating the WPT simulation with two custom antennas:
essentially two inductors, one with 1cm diamater and 20 turns, and another with 10cm diamater and 3 turns, created as such below
antenna_tag = dipoleHelix('Radius', R_tag, 'Turns', N_tag, 'TiltAxis', 'Y', 'Tilt', 90, 'Spacing', .1e-3, 'Width', T);
antenna_reader = dipoleHelix('Radius', R_reader, 'Turns', N_reader, 'TiltAxis', 'Y', 'Tilt', 90, 'Spacing', .1e-3, 'Width', 10*T);
However, I want the antenna to be aligned so the centroid of each are on the same axis (as shown in the image below, with the highlighted line the axis that I want both antennas aligned to).
Is there any way to do this? Offset or align one antenna with respect to another?
As it is right now I can only change the tilt angle. I can change the tilt angle using trig so that they align but when I do distance calculations (see WPT tutorial near the end) then this becomes ruined. It would be easier and more efficient to just align the helix's centroids. Especially in the near feild it is important they are aligned.
Thank you.

Risposte (1)

Kiran Felix Robert
Kiran Felix Robert il 18 Dic 2020
Hi Neev,
Instead of a linear array, you can try using the conformalArray. This can be used to adjust the feed location or reference to adjust your antenna’s position.
The Following is an Example
R_tag = 0.01;
R_reader = 0.1;
N_tag = 20;
N_reader = 20;
T = 0.001;
antenna_tag = dipoleHelix('Radius', R_tag, 'Turns', N_tag, 'TiltAxis', 'Y', 'Tilt', 90, 'Spacing', .1e-3, 'Width', T);
antenna_reader = dipoleHelix('Radius', R_reader, 'Turns', N_reader, 'TiltAxis', 'Y', 'Tilt', 90, 'Spacing', .1e-3, 'Width', 10*T);
array = conformalArray('Element',[antenna_tag antenna_reader]);
array.ElementPosition = [0.1 0 0.1-0.005; 0 0 0];




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