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how can i standardise the elements in a matrix

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
NN il 3 Dic 2020
Commentato: Star Strider il 8 Dic 2020
I want to standardie the elements in a 9*576 double matrix (pn) in matlab.
I use the below code, but i dont get the same dimension, it gives 9*1 double matrix(pn1) , how can i standardise each element and get the same dimension.
mu = mean(pn);
sig = std(pn);
pn1 = (pn- mu) / sig;
  3 Commenti
NN il 8 Dic 2020
I have seen your post and thank you so much.
But still i am searching for the answer and i would like to know where i did mistake

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