Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Model a temporal delay

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Andrea il 28 Mar 2013
I am a newer of Simulink and I would like know if the solution that I decide to adopt, for my problem, is corrected. Following I try to explain my problem and the adopted solution.
I have a square wave S1, if S1 has value 1 after T seconds the value of another square wave S2 must pass from 0 to 1 and stay at 1 until S1 = 1. If in the interval [0, T] the value of S1 passes from 1 to 0 I must stop the counting of the time.
My Solution:
I used a "Detector" block with the "Reset" input actived. "Output Type" is setted to "Delayed Fixed Duration" "Time Steps for Delay" is setted to T
Detector block has in input the value of S1 and the negated value on the Reset input.
1. The problem is modelled correctly? 2. The time T is in seconds but I can have a time in decimal second (e.g. T = 0.4). The model satisfies this requirement?

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