Can Matlab handle this color scheme?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Niklas Kurz
Niklas Kurz il 18 Gen 2021
Commentato: Rik il 19 Gen 2021
According to the data that I attached I plotted and colored the plot manually in order that it looks funky like this:
Question is: Can Matlab copy this colordesign? I know Right, this isn't a GraphicDesignProgram, just want to check its limits.
  7 Commenti
Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 19 Gen 2021
If your data are finely sampled, you could use scatter() instead of a line.
Rik il 19 Gen 2021
My first thought was to adapt something from the surf/patch family of functions.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 19 Gen 2021

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 19 Gen 2021
See my answer here, where I vary the line color for two cases: along the y axis (which you want), and along the x axis.
clear all;
close all;
format long g;
format compact;
fontSize = 15;
fprintf('Beginning to run %s.m ...\n', mfilename);
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000);
period = pi;
y = sin(2*pi*x/period);
numMarkers = numel(y);
markerColors = jet(numMarkers);
subplot(2, 1, 1);
for k = 1 : length(x)
plot(x(k), y(k), '.', 'Color', markerColors(k, :), 'MarkerSize', 30);
hold on;
grid on;
caption = sprintf('Line Color Varies Along X. Composed of %d Differently Colored Markers', numMarkers);
title(caption, 'FontSize', 20);
xlabel('x', 'FontSize', 20);
ylabel('y', 'FontSize', 20);
xlim([min(x), max(x)]);
% Maximize the figure window.
g = gcf;
g.WindowState = 'maximized';
% Do it again but instead of changing color as we move along the x axis,
% change it as we go along the y axis. So the marker color depends on the y value.
subplot(2, 1, 2);
numMarkers = numel(unique(y));
markerColors = jet(numMarkers);
miny = min(y);
maxy = max(y);
% Get indexes into the color map for each y value.
colorMapRows = round(rescale((y - miny) / (maxy - miny), 1, numMarkers));
for k = 1 : length(x)
thisMarkerColor = markerColors(colorMapRows(k), :);
plot(x(k), y(k), '.', 'Color', thisMarkerColor, 'MarkerSize', 30);
hold on;
grid on;
caption = sprintf('Line Color Varies With Y Value. Composed of %d Differently Colored Markers', numMarkers);
title(caption, 'FontSize', 20);
xlabel('x', 'FontSize', 20);
ylabel('y', 'FontSize', 20);
xlim([min(x), max(x)]);
fprintf('Done running %s.m.\n', mfilename);
  1 Commento
dpb il 19 Gen 2021
You can do something similar with scatter and the color vector.
It does seem like given the advances in computing and graphics/visualization TMW would have built a better mousetrap by now than having to resort to such workarounds at the user level.

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