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ERROR occurs when I convert dimcomRT to malab

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
SUSIE RYU il 4 Feb 2021
I made RT structure of BODY and Lungs with 3D slicer.
However, when I convert my RT data to matlab, a warning appears and then an error occurs.
The warining and errors are followed:
Warning: File and dictionary VR values do not match for attribute "ContourData" (3006,0050). Expected: DS. Found: UN. Consider setting the 'UseDictionaryVR' parameter to true.
Error using reshape
Number of elements must not change. Use [] as one of the size inputs to automatically calculate the appropriate size for that dimension.
Error in dicomrt2matlab>readRTstructures (line 66)
segments{j} = reshape(rtssheader.ROIContourSequence.(ROIContourSequence{i}).ContourSequence.(ContourSequence{j}).ContourData, ...
Error in dicomrt2matlab (line 25)
contours = readRTstructures(rtssheader, imageheaders,ROIName); %#ok
I attached my code.
Why this warning and error occurs? and how can I solve this?
Best regard, Sue
  1 Commento
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 4 Feb 2021
That brings to mind a case in which the scanner saved contours using a custom Transfer Syntax that involved storing the actual data in a private attribute and storing non-compliant information in some of the headers.
At the moment I do not recall which manufacturer it was... part of my memory is saying "GE!" but a different part is saying "No, it was something else".
IIRC, debugging that involved having to load in a private directory that I cobbled together from a couple of sources.
Unfortunately I was not able to figure out how the data was encoded in the private attributes in that case. It looked like I was getting somewhere, but the sizes did not match.

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