Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How to count and plot the number of points in a grid?

11 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have a huge data set of more than 19,00,000 points. By point I meant x and y. I am creating a 20*20 minor grid in my plot. I would like to count the number of points that fall in a single grid cell and plot/print the number (of points) in the grid itself in an another plot. I tried to look at hist3() and histcounts2() functions but, couldn't get a hold of it.
Please find attached the picture of the figure.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
  3 Commenti
Bhanu Pratap Singh
Bhanu Pratap Singh il 18 Feb 2021
Modificato: Bhanu Pratap Singh il 18 Feb 2021
Currently, this is what I am doing. I am not sure, whether I am getting the right output or not. I am using MATLAB R2018a.
%% Read the file into a matrix
C = textscan(fopen('offsets-1.txt'), '%d%d%d%d%f%f%f%f%f%f%f');
% C{6}, C{7} = Easting, northing of Shot Points
% C{8}, C{9} = Easting, northing of Receiver Points
% C{10}, C{11} = Easting, northing of Midpoints Points
sx = C{6}; sy = C{7};
rx = C{6}; ry = C{7};
mx = C{6}; my = C{7};
xedges = min(rx):20:max(rx);
yedges = min(ry):20:max(ry);
nbins_x = length(xedges); nbins_y = length(yedges);
histogram2(mx, my, 'XBinEdges', xedges, 'YBinEdges', yedges, 'DisplayStyle','tile', 'ShowEmptyBins', 'off');
Rik il 18 Feb 2021
Why do you think there might be something wrong? I'm on mobile so I can't run your code, but nothing jumps out at me from your code.

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Just Manuel
Just Manuel il 17 Feb 2021
Hehe, being curious and doing the stuff mathworks slaps in your face sometimes pays off ;) (I mean the community treasure hunt)
This brought me across this approach to what you want to do:
Have fun watching the Video ;)

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