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Azzera filtri

Does anyone know how to get the values of the variables?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I implemented the optimization problem below and I want to know the optimal values for c, P_shave, P_ess, soc, and P_grid. These are variables but I need to get the optimal values.
P_peak=100*ones(24,1); % tunning parameter
c= optimvar('c');
P_shave = optimvar('P_shave',T);
P_ess = optimvar('P_ess',T);
soc = optimvar('soc',T,'LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',ESS_Cmax);
P_grid = optimvar('P_grid',T);
prob = optimproblem;
prob.Objective =sum(w_1*c*(P_shave-P_ess)+ w_2*(soc-soc(T-1)).^2+w_3*(P_grid-P_peak).^2+w_4*(P_ess-P_ess(T-1)).^2);
prob.Constraints.cons1 = P_grid== p+P_ess;
prob.Constraints.cons2 = P_grid >= 0;
% constraint #3
if p >= P_peak
prob.Constraints.cons5 = P_shave+P_ess >= 0;
prob.Constraints.cons6 =soc== soc(T-1)+(sigma./alpha)*P_ess;
prob.Constraints.cons7 = P_ess>=-P_max;
prob.Constraints.cons8 = P_ess <= -P_max;
prob.Constraints.cons9 = soc >= soc_min;
prob.Constraints.cons10 = soc <= soc_max;
prob.Constraints.cons11 = alpha>= P_ess;
prob.ObjectiveSense = 'minimize';
options = optimoptions(prob,'Algorithm','active-set')
% sol = solve(prob)
options =
quadprog options:
Options used by current Algorithm ('active-set'):
(Other available algorithms: 'interior-point-convex', 'trust-region-reflective')
Set properties:
Algorithm: 'active-set'
Default properties:
ConstraintTolerance: 1.0000e-08
Display: 'final'
MaxIterations: '10*(numberOfVariables + numberOfConstraints)'
ObjectiveLimit: -1.0000e+20
OptimalityTolerance: 1.0000e-08
StepTolerance: 1.0000e-08
Show options not used by current Algorithm ('active-set')

Risposta accettata

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss il 3 Mar 2021
Well, you have to solve the problem first by calling solve, as in your commented-out last line.
Then you will have a solution structure sol and you can examine, for example, sol.c and sol.P_shave and any other variable value in the solution.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
  2 Commenti
Hossam Mosbah
Hossam Mosbah il 3 Mar 2021
I appreciate your comment. But this is what happened when i use solve (prob)
Solving problem using quadprog.
Your Hessian is not symmetric. Resetting H=(H+H')/2.
The problem is infeasible.
During presolve, quadprog found the constraints to be inconsistent
to within the constraint tolerance.
sol =
struct with fields:
P_ess: []
P_grid: []
P_shave: []
c: []
soc: []
Any recomandations would be highly appreciated.
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss il 3 Mar 2021
Well, your problem is infeasible. Your constraints cannot all be met.
I suggest that you investigate why. Give a set of values that you think should be feasible and then see which of the constraints are violated. For example,
x0.P_shave = ones(T,1);
x0.P_ess = 2*ones(T,1);
% etc., with your values here, not just ones
infeas1 = infeasibility(prob.Constraints.cons1,x0);
infeas2 = infeasibility(prob.Constraints.cons2,x0);
% etc. See where the constraints are not met.
Then you can see whether your problem formulation is incorrect.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation

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