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Azzera filtri

Matlab is mixing MONTH and DAY up

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Louise Wilson
Louise Wilson il 18 Mar 2021
Commentato: Star Strider il 22 Mar 2021
Hello, I have a datetime array where the format is dd/MM/yyyy, but when I used ymd(), Matlab tells me that day is month and month is day. Using format() just rearranges the date but retains the confusion between day and month.
How do I rectify this, how can I dictate to Matlab which is the month and which is the day?
y =
m =
9 %this is actually the day
d = %this is actually the month
  2 Commenti
Louise Wilson
Louise Wilson il 22 Mar 2021
@Star Strider Sorry, I can't share the data because it is sensitive but I can give a subset.
Louise Wilson
Louise Wilson il 22 Mar 2021
I think I need to specify the format of the LOCALDATE data as I read it in but not sure how to do that.

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Star Strider
Star Strider il 22 Mar 2021
Modificato: Star Strider il 22 Mar 2021
Try this:
D = load('gps.mat');
gps = D.gps;
LOCALDATETIME = datetime(string(gps.LOCALDATE),'InputFormat','dd/MM/yyyy', 'Format','dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss') + gps.LOCALTIME;
First_5_Rows = LOCALDATETIME(1:5)
First_5_Rows =
5×1 datetime array
09/03/2021 08:42:31
09/03/2021 08:42:32
09/03/2021 08:42:34
09/03/2021 08:42:35
09/03/2021 08:42:36
Since ‘gps.LOCALDATE’ is already a datetime array, converting it first to a string variable allowed datetime to parse it correctly.
EDIT — Added explanation.
  2 Commenti
Louise Wilson
Louise Wilson il 22 Mar 2021
Yes this looks to work! Thank you!
Star Strider
Star Strider il 22 Mar 2021
As always, my pleasure!

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