How to display only one legend for a figure with multiple plots?

189 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello everyone,
I have two questions:
1) How can I display one unique legend for a figure with multiple plots?
2) Let assume 5,4,3, 2 and 1 as code for "very high", "High", "Moderate", "Low", and "Very Low" the values of my variable of interest. How can I display these characters strings instead of the value 5,4,3,2, and 1 in the legend?
Any thoughts for a code will be very much appreciated.

Risposte (5)

Camilo Malagon Nieto
Camilo Malagon Nieto il 24 Apr 2018
I got a better solution that the one with b = get(gca,'Children')
From MatLab Documentation under Legend>Specify Charts to Include in Legend
x = linspace(0,3*pi); y1 = sin(x); p1 = plot(x,y1);
hold on y2 = sin(x - pi/4); p2 = plot(x,y2);
y3 = sin(x - pi/2); p3 = plot(x,y3); hold off
legend([p1 p3],'First','Third')
  2 Commenti
hamid rafiei
hamid rafiei il 7 Set 2022
thanks for your answer
if I have a figure that saved as " .fig", how can I display one unique legend for a figure with multiple plots?
Thanks again

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Raghu S
Raghu S il 30 Ago 2018
Here is the answer: menation these line inside legend command 'orientation','horizontal'
example: legend('orientation','horizontal','name1','name2','name3')
some example:
____________Mutiple legend:_______________
subplot 212;plot(sig1);hold on;plot(sig2);legend('sin','cos')
subplot 211;plot(sig1);hold on;plot(sig2);legend('sin','cos')
____________Single legend___________________
One can move anywhere from the figure editor.
Attached one more example.

Angus il 10 Giu 2013
"legend('string1','string2',...) displays a legend in the current axes using the specified strings to label each set of data." ~ Matlab docs.
This is the simplest way of assigning strings to the legend. The docs show other uses.
When you say you have multiple plots, do you mean multiple axis or just multiple data plots within one axis? If you have multiple axis then you can create a unique legend that specifies what you want by using the second method from the docs:
"legend(h,'string1','string2',...) displays a legend on the plot containing the objects identified by the handles in the vector h and uses the specified strings to label the corresponding graphics object (line, barseries, etc.)."
  3 Commenti
Armel il 12 Giu 2013
Modificato: Armel il 12 Giu 2013
In fact, here is a similar image that I would like to produce 2 (or many) images with only one legend but the images are raster data.
Angus il 12 Giu 2013
Yes, I saw that before, I'm not sure if raster data changes the method used. I'm not sure how raster data is dealt with in matlab, I dont use it. If you can get it to plot as in my example (convert it to a vector?) then this method should work for you.
Have I answered the original question about legends and multiple plots? Sorry I cant be much help with raster data use.
Cheers, Angus.

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Armel il 11 Giu 2013
Hi Angus,
Thanks for your reply.
Is there a way to upload a similar figure so you will be able to understand what I mean?
P.S I'm new to this community
  1 Commento
Angus il 11 Giu 2013
Hey, I am actually still new here as well. I am not sure if there is a standard method for linking images but I have seen some people upload via other websites like TinyPic.
Cheers, Angus.

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Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 29 Set 2020
Spostato: Adam Danz il 16 Set 2022
Starting in Matlab r2020b, legends can be positioned relative to figure edges and can contain graphics objects from different subplots created by TiledLayout.

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