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How much memory can I use/have on Matlab 2012a 64 bit

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
To make use of the extended memory should I install the 64 bit version of Matlab either on Windows 7 64 bit or windows XP 64 bit.
I have to manipulate some very large number arrays - having about 50 million rows and 4 columns. Each number in the array is of the order of one billion. Is there any limitation in matlab as to the maximum array sizes or is it purely a matter of the amount of RAM I have allocated on my 64 bit OS.
Is it correct to say that if I use a 32 bit version of Matlab like Matlab 2008, the maximum memory I can allocate to my Arrays is 4GB?
Thanks in advance for your help

Risposta accettata

Jan il 9 Lug 2013
Modificato: Jan il 9 Lug 2013
The command computer replies the maximum number of elements an array can contain on the local system:
[C, MAXSIZE] = computer
For a 32-bit Matlab (on a 32 or 64 bit system), MAXIZE is 2.1475e9, which is 2^31. When the type of this array is e.g. double each element has 8 bytes, such that the array would require 16 GB.
On my Win7/64/Matlab 2009a/64 I get MAXSIZE as 2.8147e14.
On a 32 bit OS the size of the accessible RAM is limited to 3 or 3.5 GB depending on the system board. Therefore applications operating on large arrays require a modern 64 bit system.

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