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Azzera filtri

solving coupled PDEs using method of lines

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
tejas  grewal
tejas grewal il 18 Lug 2013
I have 6 coupled pde (mass balance eqn for 6 component coupled through rate of reaction Ri)of type:
dFi/dt = dFi/dz + Ri with initial condition: Fi(0,z) = 0
boundary cond. Fi(t,0) = Fi0
i tried using method of lines
initial cond.
F0 = [FinE repmat(0,Z-1); % FinE inlet flow rate of ethanol
FinW repmat(0,Z-1); % Finw inlet flow rate of water
zeros(1,Z) % products inlet flow rate
tspan = linspace(0,0.2,N)
[t,F] = ode45('rates',tspan,F0)
function dFdt = rates(t,F)
i = 1
k1 = k01*exp(-Ea1/RT)
k1'= ...
dFdt(i,:) = (-((F(i,:)-FinE)./(dx(1,1)*Area))+eta*(-k1*F(i+1,:)*F(i,:)+k3*F(i+3,:))
dFdt(i+1,:) = (-((F(i+1,:)-Finw)./(dx(1,1)*Area))+eta*(-k1*F(i+1,:)*F(i,:))
dFdt(i+2,:) = (-((F(i+2,:)-0)./(dx(1,1)*Area))+eta*(k1*F(i+1,:)*F(i,:)+k2*F(i+4,:))
dFdt(i+3,:) = ...
dFdt(i+4,:) = ....
dFdt(i+5,:) = ....
i = 7:6:6*Z-5
dFdt(i,:) = (-((F(i,:)-F(i-6,:))./(dx(1,1)*Area))+eta*(-k1*F(i+1,:)*F(i,:)+k3*F(i+3,:))
dFdt(i+1,:) = (-((F(i+1,:)-F(i-5,:))./(dx(1,1)*Area))+eta*(-k1*F(i+1,:)*F(i,:))
dFdt(i+2,:) = (-((F(i+2,:)-F(i-4,:))./(dx(1,1)*Area))+eta*(k1*F(i+1,:)*F(i,:)+k2*F(i+4,:))
dFdt(i+3,:) = ...
dFdt(i+4,:) = ....
dFdt(i+5,:) = ....
this code is giving NAN values for the above initial conditions but running with initial condition Fi(0,z) = Fi0 why is this so.. also if any one can suggest the alternative method to solve for Fi vs t as well as vs z

Risposte (1)

Deepak Ramaswamy
Deepak Ramaswamy il 19 Lug 2013
Modificato: Deepak Ramaswamy il 19 Lug 2013
This is with regards to the second part of your question: This problem should be solvable via pdepe. I could not infer the form of Ri and the right BC is not specified. But the form for pdepe (check out pdepe doc for what below terms such as m, c, f, s etc. mean) would look something like:
m = 0
+- -+
| 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 |
| |
| 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 |
| |
| 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 |
| |
| 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 |
| |
| 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 |
| |
| 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 |
+- -+
+- -+
| F1(z, t) |
| |
| F2(z, t) |
| |
| F3(z, t) |
| |
| F4(z, t) |
| |
| F5(z, t) |
| |
| F6(z, t) |
+- -+
+- -+
| R1(F1(z, t), F2(z, t), F3(z, t), F4(z, t), F5(z, t), F6(z, t)) |
| |
| R2(F1(z, t), F2(z, t), F3(z, t), F4(z, t), F5(z, t), F6(z, t)) |
| |
| R3(F1(z, t), F2(z, t), F3(z, t), F4(z, t), F5(z, t), F6(z, t)) |
| |
| R4(F1(z, t), F2(z, t), F3(z, t), F4(z, t), F5(z, t), F6(z, t)) |
| |
| R5(F1(z, t), F2(z, t), F3(z, t), F4(z, t), F5(z, t), F6(z, t)) |
| |
| R6(F1(z, t), F2(z, t), F3(z, t), F4(z, t), F5(z, t), F6(z, t)) |
+- -+
pLeft (p for left BC)
+- -+
| F1(z, t) - F0 |
| |
| F2(z, t) - F0 |
| |
| F3(z, t) - F0 |
| |
| F4(z, t) - F0 |
| |
| F5(z, t) - F0 |
| |
| F6(z, t) - F0 |
+- -+
qLeft (q for left BC)
+- -+
| 0 |
| |
| 0 |
| |
| 0 |
| |
| 0 |
| |
| 0 |
| |
| 0 |
+- -+


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