Construct a 'Bubble Plot' from a matrix
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Himanshu Saxena
il 8 Giu 2021
Commentato: Himanshu Saxena
il 16 Lug 2021
I want to generate a bubble plot of a matrix. Such plots are possibe to make in 'R Studio'. I have attached an example image of the desired plot.
Is there a way to do so in MATLAB?
Thanks in advance.
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Adam Danz
il 12 Giu 2021
Modificato: Adam Danz
il 14 Giu 2021
> I want to have a sequence of colors corresponding to the the size of circles.
Assuming an n-by-m matrix r should be plotted such that point r(i,j) should appear at x=i, y=j, use meshgrid to create x and y coordinates and then set x, y, and r to bubbleplot as vectors.
The size of the bubbles is defined by |r|and the colors are based r. That way the size of the bubble shows the strength of the correlation and the color shows the direction. That could be switched around, of course.
% Create correlation matrix r
rng default % for reproducibility
r = rand(5)*2-1;
r(logical(eye(5))) = 1
% Create x and y coordinates and bubblechart
[x,y] = meshgrid(1:size(r,1), 1:size(r,2));
% Cosmetics
grid on
set(gca,'xtick', 1:size(r,2), ...
'ytick', 1:size(r,1), ...
'YDir', 'Reverse'); % typically corr matrices use flipped y axes
xlabel('x index')
ylabel('y index')
cb = colorbar;
ylabel(cb, 'Correlation')
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