How to assign character to foreground and background in image?

8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Currently, I have an image with single letter in the middle it is white and background is black ,in grayscale. I managed to store them in different variable. But now, I would like to display them by cover the whole foreground and background with different character. For example, 'b' for the pixels of the image for background,while 'o' for the pixels of foreground. I try to search and try on my own but not successful.Therefore,I am here to ask for guide.
%create blank image
w = 150;
h = 150;
blankImage= 255*ones(w,h,3,'uint8');
%position of the letter in the empty cell
position_x = (w+1)/2;
position_y = (h+1)/2;
% varying the font size, start from 10 to 16
font_start = 58;
font_end = 64;
num_fontsA = font_start:2:font_end;
% get the number of fonts
numImagesA = length(num_fontsA)
% create a cell array with number of fonts to fill in the image in next step
A = cell(1, numImagesA);
% for loop to create letter 'A'
% grayscale
% store into the cell array
for i=1:numImagesA
for font_size = num_fontsA(i)
img= insertText(blankImage,[position_x position_y],'A','Font','Times New Roman','FontSize',font_size,'TextColor','black','BoxColor','w','BoxOpacity',0,'AnchorPoint','Center');
grayImage= rgb2gray(img);
BWImage = ~grayImage;
background = BWImage == 0;
foreground = ~background;
%testing ,but it failed
Newforegnd = foreground;
L = repmat(foreground==1,1,1,size(Newforegnd,3));
figure('Name','Background and Object','NumberTitle','off');
montage({Newforegnd, foreground});
% figure;
% A{i} = BWImage;
% subplot(2,2,i);
% imshow(A{i});
% % imshow(background);
% A{i}= imnoise(img, 'gaussian',0, 0.01);
% subplot(2,2,i);
% imshow(A{i});
axis on;
title("A with font size " + font_size);
% title("A with font size " + font_size +" with noise 0.01 variance");
This is what I get from the background and foreground variable previously from help in Matlab forum.
  4 Commenti
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 20 Giu 2021
"This is the example from senior" <== Who or what is "senior".
If your professor did not want you to have any additional information from him, then presumably he doesn't want us to give you any additional information either. So I guess you're on your own but I'm sure you can still use the help documentation. If your professor says it's OK to get help from the Answers forum, then let us know he says it's okay.
Tuck Wai Yip
Tuck Wai Yip il 21 Giu 2021
Modificato: Tuck Wai Yip il 21 Giu 2021
It was the report from senior from university that graduated 3 years ago.
Sorry to offense,but it seems to me not that he didn't want me to have additional info from him, but it is probably that he didn't even know how to use Matlab. I tried to search for documentation and forum but it is not helpful as I cannot imagine how could I reach that step.Yeah,it is okay, since he is not going to help,and he didn't said anything regarding that as I told him about getting help in Matlab forum previously.

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Risposta accettata

DGM il 20 Giu 2021
What you describe sounds like a simple logical masking operation, but the image appears to be a mosaic instead. If the latter is indeed the intended result, consider that the size of your output image will be the product of the sizes of the pattern image and the tile image(s). Considering that the pattern image has two values, then a logical approach should be evident. It may be prudent to reduce the size of the tile images, or at least ensure they have common geometry before trying to assemble the mosaic.
Actually if I'm going to offer an example, I might as well move it to an answer...
% generate some letter images. textim() is from MIMT on the FEX
a = textim('A','ibm-vga-8x8');
b = textim('B','ibm-vga-8x8');
c = textim('C','ibm-vga-8x8');
% assemble mosaic using kronecker product
d = kron(a,b) + kron(1-a,c);
% note 1-a denotes inversion. a is of class double.
% if a were uint8(), you'd need to use a different value.
% you can also use imcomplement()
These images are obviously resized for viewing purposes. As I said, the output size will be the product of the pattern and tile sizes.
  5 Commenti
DGM il 21 Giu 2021
If you want it to look like your picture (the font, etc) then you'd probably need to use insertText() or something similar. Textim() only has a selection of relatively compact legacy bitmap system/bios fonts -- nothing modern. This shows all the fonts:
I'm not familiar with what insertText offers since I don't have CVT. If it's not to your liking, I'm pretty sure there are some other text-image converters on the File Exchange.
Tuck Wai Yip
Tuck Wai Yip il 21 Giu 2021
Thank you,I will try the code soon and see how it goes.I will report my progress later in this thread.

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Più risposte (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 20 Giu 2021
For what it's worth, here's perhaps a start:
% Demo by Image Analyst
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
fontSize = 20;
folder = pwd;
baseFileName = 'ocr.png';
grayImage = imread(baseFileName);
% Get the dimensions of the image.
% numberOfColorChannels should be = 1 for a gray scale image, and 3 for an RGB color image.
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(grayImage)
if numberOfColorChannels > 1
% It's not really gray scale like we expected - it's color.
% Extract the red channel (so the magenta lines will be white).
grayImage = grayImage(:, :, 1);
% Get rid of junk in the lower left by erasing the leftmost 7 columns
grayImage(:, 1:7) = 255;
% Display the image.
subplot(2, 2, 1);
imshow(grayImage, []);
axis('on', 'image');
title('Original Gray Scale Image', 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
hFig = gcf;
hFig.WindowState = 'maximized'; % May not work in earlier versions of MATLAB.
% Take histogram
subplot(2, 2, 2);
edges = 0 : 256;
histObject = histogram(grayImage, edges)
grid on;
title('Histogram', 'FontSize', fontSize);
xlabel('Gray Level', 'FontSize', fontSize);
ylabel('Pixel Count', 'FontSize', fontSize);
% Binarize
mask = grayImage < 230;
subplot(2, 2, 3);
imshow(mask, []);
axis('on', 'image');
title('Binary Image', 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
% Get horizontal and vertical profiles.
horizontalProfile = mean(grayImage, 1);
verticalProfile = mean(grayImage, 2);
subplot(2, 2, 4);
plot(horizontalProfile, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 1);
hold on;
grid on;
plot(verticalProfile, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 1);
legend('Horizontal Profile', 'Vertical Profile');
% Find the centroids of each "lane" of characters
% First find vertical lanes by finding horizontal dividing points.
propsh = regionprops(horizontalProfile > 230, 'Centroid');
xy = vertcat(propsh.Centroid)
xh = unique(xy(:, 1)')
subplot(2, 2, 3);
hold on;
for k = 1 : length(xh)
xline(xh(k), 'Color', 'r');
% Next find horizontal lanes by finding vertical dividing points.
propsv = regionprops(verticalProfile > 230, 'Centroid');
xy = vertcat(propsv.Centroid)
yv = unique(xy(:, 2)')
subplot(2, 2, 3);
hold on;
for k = 1 : length(yv)
yline(yv(k), 'Color', 'y');
% Round centroids to the nearest line or column
xh = round(xh);
yv = round(yv);
numRows = length(yv);
numColumns = length(xh);
% Extract each subimage
plotIndex = 1;
for col = 1 : length(xh)-1
col1 = xh(col);
col2 = xh(col+1) - 1;
fprintf('Extracting columns %d to %d.\n', col1, col2);
for row = 1 : length(yv) - 1
row1 = yv(row);
row2 = yv(row+1)-1;
subImage = grayImage(row1:row2, col1:col2);
subplot(numRows, numColumns, plotIndex);
imshow(subImage, []);
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;
g = gcf;
g.WindowState = 'maximized'; % May not work in earlier versions of MATLAB.
  4 Commenti
Tuck Wai Yip
Tuck Wai Yip il 23 Giu 2021
Modificato: Tuck Wai Yip il 23 Giu 2021
Oh,thank you for your guide.Now I understand what you try to achieve, maybe I can try that on my own.But somehow,thank you for your detailed code and guidance.Now I have more clearer route to how to get the character recognized.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 23 Giu 2021
You're welcome. If you have more specific questions, post them and attach your image. Otherwise, please "Accept" the best answer (you can only accept one but you can vote for more than one).

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