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Applying vectorization techniques to speedup the performance of dividing a 3D matrix by a 2D matrix

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I'm working on removing a for loop in my Matlab code to improve performance. My original code has one for loop (from j=1:Nx) that is harmful to performance (in my production code, this for loop is processed over 20 million times if I test large simulations). I am curious if I can remove this for loop through vectorization, repmat, or a similar technique. My original Matlab implementation is given below.
clc; clear all;
% Test Data
% I'm trying to remove the for loop for j in the code below
N = 10;
M = 10;
Nx = 32; % Ny=Nx=Nz
Nz = 32;
Ny = 32;
Fnmhat = rand(Nx,Nz+1);
Jnmhat = rand(Nx,1);
xi_n_m_hat = rand(Nx,N+1,M+1);
Uhat = zeros(Nx,Nz+1);
Uhat_2 = zeros(Nx,Nz+1);
identy = eye(Ny+1,Ny+1);
p = rand(Nx,1);
gammap = rand(Nx,1);
D = rand(Nx+1,Ny+1);
D2 = rand(Nx+1,Ny+1);
D_start = D(1,:);
D_end = D(end,:);
gamma = 1.5;
alpha = 0; % this could be non-zero
ntests = 100;
% Original Code (Partially vectorized)
for n=0:N
for m=0:M
b = Fnmhat.';
alphaalpha = 1.0;
betabeta = 0.0; % this could be non-zero
gammagamma = gamma*gamma - p.^2 - 2*alpha.*p; % size (Nx,1)
d_min = 1.0;
n_min = 0.0; % this could be non-zero
r_min = xi_n_m_hat(:,n+1,m+1);
d_max = -1i.*gammap;
n_max = 1.0;
r_max = Jnmhat;
A = alphaalpha*D2 + betabeta*D + permute(gammagamma,[3,2,1]).*identy;
A(end,:,:) = repmat(n_min*D_end,[1,1,Nx]);
b(end,:) = r_min;
A(end,end,:) = A(end,end,:) + d_min;
A(1,:,:) = repmat(n_max*D_start,[1,1,Nx]);
A(1,1,:) = A(1,1,:) + permute(d_max,[2,3,1]);
b(1,:) = r_max;
% Non-vectorized code - can this part be vectorized?
for j=1:Nx
utilde = linsolve(A(:,:,j),b(:,j)); % A\b
Uhat(j,:) = utilde.';
Here is my attempt at vectorizing the code (and removing the for loop for j).
% Same test data as original code
% New Code (completely vectorized but incorrect)
for n=0:N
for m=0:M
b = Fnmhat.';
alphaalpha = 1.0;
betabeta = 0.0; % this could be non-zero
gammagamma = gamma*gamma - p.^2 - 2*alpha.*p; % size (Nx,1)
d_min = 1.0;
n_min = 0.0; % this could be non-zero
r_min = xi_n_m_hat(:,n+1,m+1);
d_max = -1i.*gammap;
n_max = 1.0;
r_max = Jnmhat;
A2 = alphaalpha*D2 + betabeta*D + permute(gammagamma,[3,2,1]).*identy;
A2(end,:,:) = repmat(n_min*D_end,[1,1,Nx]);
b(end,:) = r_min;
A2(end,end,:) = A2(end,end,:) + d_min;
A2(1,:,:) = repmat(n_max*D_start,[1,1,Nx]);
A2(1,1,:) = A2(1,1,:) + permute(d_max,[2,3,1]);
b(1,:) = r_max;
% Non-vectorized code - can this part be vectorized?
%for j=1:Nx
% utilde_2 = linsolve(A2(:,:,j),b(:,j)); % A2\b
% Uhat_2(j,:) = utilde_2.';
% My attempt - this doesn't work since I don't loop through the index j
% in repmat
utilde_2 = squeeze(repmat(linsolve(A2(:,:,Nx),b(:,Nx)),[1,1,Nx]));
utilde_2 = utilde_2(:,1);
Uhat_2 = squeeze(repmat(utilde_2',[1,1,Nx]));
Uhat_2 = Uhat_2';
diff = norm(Uhat - Uhat_2,inf); % is 0 if correct
I'm curious if repmat (or a different builtin Matlab function) can speed up this part of the code:
for j=1:Nx
utilde = linsolve(A(:,:,j),b(:,j)); % A\b
Uhat(j,:) = utilde.';
Is the for loop for j absolutely necessary or can it be removed?

Risposta accettata

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong il 29 Lug 2021
If you have C compilers the fatest methods are perhaps mmx and MultipleQR avaikable on FEX
  9 Commenti
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong il 30 Lug 2021
MMX and MultipleQRSolve make parallel loop on page, MATLAB for-loop make parallize on the algorithm of linsolve.
That's why the matrix size matters, and possibly the number of the physical processor cores.
MultipleQRSolve is less efficient for larg matrix because my implementation of QR is less efficient than the Lapack function called by MMX and MATLAB native for-loop.
Matthew Kehoe
Matthew Kehoe il 31 Lug 2021
I think that MMX can be optimized if both A and B are not complex doubles. In my data, B is not a complex double so it may be possible to speed up the MMX calculation. Here is how I would implement the three different methods in my real Matlab code.
% These parameters mimic the real data in my code
ntests = 10000;
% My code calculates Ac and Br before going into the for loop
Ac = rand(m,n,q)+1i*rand(m,n,q); % A is a complex double of size (33,33,32)
Br = rand(m,q); % B is a (real) double of size (33,32)
% Before I decide to use a for loop/mmx/MultipleQRSolve my code
% "understands" that A is a complex double of size (33,33,32) and B is a
% (real) double of size (33,32). I don't need to calculate what A or B are inside
% the for loop. I only reshape B inside MMX and MultipleQRSolve because I
% have to for the divides operation.
% Here is how I would write the three functions below in my "real" code.
% for-loop
for ii=1:ntests
z1 = zeros(q,m);
for j=1:q
% This is how my code currently computes A\b
utilde = linsolve(Ac(:,:,j),Br(:,j)); % A\b
z1(j,:) = utilde.';
toc % Elapsed time is 14.231135 seconds.
% mmx
for ii=1:ntests
Bnew = reshape(Br,m,1,q); % Make Br size(33,1,32) to apply MMX
Ar = real(Ac);
Ai = imag(Ac);
Br = real(Bnew);
Bi = imag(Bnew); % is zero as b is a real double
% z_1 = Ar+Ai*i
% z_2 = Br+Bi*i
% z_1/z_2 = [(Ar*Br + Ai*Bi) + 1i*(Ai*Br - Ar*Bi)]/(Br^2 + Bi^2);
% Since Bi == 0, this is simplified to
% z_1/z_2 = [(Ar*Br) + 1i*(Ai*Br)]/(Br^2);
% I think that this makes the code below
%AA = [Ar,-Ai;Ai,Ar];
%BB = [Br;Bi];
%zz = mmx('backslash', AA, BB);
% Into the faster version
Num = mmx('mult', Ar, Br);
Num = Num + 1i*mmx('mult', Ai, Br);
Den = Br.^2;
z2 = mmx('backslash',Num,Den);
z2 = permute(z2,[3 1 2]);
toc % Elapsed time is 2.441799 seconds.
% MultipleQRSolve
for ii=1:ntests
Bnew_2 = reshape(Br,m,1,q); % Make Br size(33,1,32) to apply MultipleQRSolve
z3 = MultipleQRSolve(Ac,Bnew_2);
z3 = permute(z3,[3 1 2]);
toc % Elapsed time is 25.991396 seconds.
diff = norm(z1-z2,inf); % Not zero since my code for z_1/z_2 isn't correct.
diff2 = norm(z1-z3,inf);
If the code for
AA = [Ar,-Ai;Ai,Ar];
BB = [Br;Bi];
zz = mmx('backslash', AA, BB);
isn't needed (as B is not a complex double) then MMX would "beat" the for loop. Thanks for all of your help with this question (and for writing the MultipleQRSolve).

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Più risposte (2)

Matt J
Matt J il 29 Lug 2021
Modificato: Matt J il 29 Lug 2021
Another idea.
clc; clear all;
% Test Data
% I'm trying to remove the for loop for j in the code below
N = 10;
M = 10;
Nx = 32; % Ny=Nx=Nz
Nz = 32;
Ny = 32;
% Original Code (Partially vectorized)
for n=0:N
for m=0:M
%Vectorized code
  5 Commenti

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Matt J
Matt J il 29 Lug 2021
Modificato: Matt J il 29 Lug 2021
On the GPU (i.e. if A and b are gpuArrays), the for-loop can be removed:
Uhat = permute( pagefun(@mldivide,A,reshape(b,[],1,Nx)) ,[2,1,3]);
  1 Commento
Matthew Kehoe
Matthew Kehoe il 29 Lug 2021
This approach requires the Parallel Computing Toolbox. I will investigate getting this toolbox. Is there another approach that doesn't require a separate toolbox?

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