multiple a vector by a scalar using dot error

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Robert Scott
Robert Scott il 29 Lug 2021
Risposto: DGM il 29 Lug 2021
So yet another problem for my day
I am trying to multiply a simple cell array fill of ints by a scalar value
if i print out
my_array{1:end , 1}
I get a bunch of ints back
However if i say
my_array{1:end , 1} * 5
I get a "too many input arguments" error from matlab
One would assume you need element wise multiplication here
So i resort to
my_array{1:end , 1} .* 5
And guess what, same error
too many input arguments
How is that even possible?

Risposte (1)

DGM il 29 Lug 2021
I guess I already mentioned this, but
A = num2cell(reshape(1:70,10,[]))
A = 10×7 cell array
{[ 1]} {[11]} {[21]} {[31]} {[41]} {[51]} {[61]} {[ 2]} {[12]} {[22]} {[32]} {[42]} {[52]} {[62]} {[ 3]} {[13]} {[23]} {[33]} {[43]} {[53]} {[63]} {[ 4]} {[14]} {[24]} {[34]} {[44]} {[54]} {[64]} {[ 5]} {[15]} {[25]} {[35]} {[45]} {[55]} {[65]} {[ 6]} {[16]} {[26]} {[36]} {[46]} {[56]} {[66]} {[ 7]} {[17]} {[27]} {[37]} {[47]} {[57]} {[67]} {[ 8]} {[18]} {[28]} {[38]} {[48]} {[58]} {[68]} {[ 9]} {[19]} {[29]} {[39]} {[49]} {[59]} {[69]} {[10]} {[20]} {[30]} {[40]} {[50]} {[60]} {[70]}
A{2:2:end,7} % this expression has multiple outputs (multiple scalars)
ans = 62
ans = 64
ans = 66
ans = 68
ans = 70
vertcat(A{2:2:end,7}) % this expression has only one output (a vector)
ans = 5×1
62 64 66 68 70
vertcat(A{2:2:end,7}) * 2 % this works
ans = 5×1
124 128 132 136 140
A{2:2:end,7} * 2 % this doesn't
Error using *
Too many input arguments.




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