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How to interpolate 2D

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Yadu Bhusal
Yadu Bhusal il 1 Ago 2021
Commentato: Yadu Bhusal il 7 Ago 2021
I have data in excel. In a column given values of angle from (say) A2: A37. On the other side i have value distance from B1:Q1 in a raw. And there are values of anisotropy (F) for particular value of angle and distance. I didn't know how to interpolate the value of F for given angle and distance. Can anyone help on this?

Risposte (1)

KSSV il 1 Ago 2021
Read about interp1. If you are not able to get it attach your data.
  2 Commenti
Yadu Bhusal
Yadu Bhusal il 5 Ago 2021
Yadu Bhusal
Yadu Bhusal il 7 Ago 2021
The above is pic. In first column it is angle and on horizontal its distance. And there are values fot given angle and distance. I want to interpolate this.

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