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Azzera filtri

how to run .m file using uigetfile() in button callback

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I want to the user to select the .m file required to run using the button function. I am trying this code.
Its displaying the error as "Error: File: RunLwrExtModeCal.m Line: 1 Column: 165
Invalid text character. Check for unsupported symbol, invisible character, or pasting of non-ASCII characters."
I am trying the code like this:
Please help me with this. Thanks in advance
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.m', 'Pick a .m file');
run([pathname filename]);

Risposta accettata

Chunru il 2 Ago 2021
Try the following:
run(fullfile(pathname, filename));
  3 Commenti
Chunru il 2 Ago 2021
Modificato: Chunru il 2 Ago 2021
print out pathname and filename or try debug mode to see what is wrong. Or show the .m file you picked and intended to run.
Harish M Y
Harish M Y il 2 Ago 2021
Hey thanks, the code is working with run(fulfile(pathname,filename));
There was a problem with my code, now its corrected.
Thank you

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