Problem 51387. Solve an ODE: second-order linear equation with constant coefficients

Write a function to solve a second-order linear ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients a, b, and c:
ay"+by'+cy = 0
with two of the three conditions: (1) y(x0) = y0, (2) y'(x0) = y'0, and (3) y(x1) = y1. Two of the three elements of the vector bc will be assigned numerical values, and the third will be NaN. The function should return the values of y at the specified values of x.
Equations of this form appear in many applications, such as spring-mass-damper systems, RLC circuits, small-amplitude oscillations of a pendulum, and steady advection, dispersion, and decay of a contaminant in a river or groundwater.

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20.0% Correct | 80.0% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Dec 10, 2023

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