Control of Robotic arm using Simulink and ROS

Simulink example models to demonstrate the use of ROS together with hardware support packages to create a multi-node robotic system.
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Aggiornato 7 dic 2018

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This submission contains example file to interface RaspberryPi and Arduino using Simulink and ROS. We used an Arduino along with RAMPS board to control our robotic arm which contains 3 stepper motors.

The file "arduino_code.slx" contains the blocks for the stepper controllers and ROS node. We used this model to program the Arduino.
The file "robot_node.slx" contains the implementation of inverse kinematics of our robotic arm. We created a standalone ROS node using Simulink coder and robotics toolbox.

Cita come

Ameer Hamza (2024). Control of Robotic arm using Simulink and ROS (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2018b
Compatibile con qualsiasi release
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux
Ulteriori file sono disponibili nella  Power Electronics Control Community

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