
Siddharth Shankar


Attivo dal 2011

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Professional Interests: Software development, GUI building, Instrument Control, Data Acquisiton


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Why does Stateflow evaluate the condition [x >= (1/2)] differently from [x >= 0.5]?
If I had to guess, I would think that 1/2 results in integer division which always yields 0, and this is then cast to double (0....

oltre 12 anni fa | 1

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How to activate Stateflow substate without flow graph
Can you please expand on the question a bit? It would help if you could sketch out a very simple example example with maybe jus...

oltre 12 anni fa | 1

How to find number of arrays in a structure filed ?
Off the top of my head: function [N1, N2] = fieldCount(inputStruct) N1 = 0; N2 = 0; for i = 1: numel(inputStruct) i...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

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How to react on a change of variable from workspace?
One POSSIBLE solution if you are not considering a _timer_ object (and assuming that you have a relatively recent version of MAT...

circa 14 anni fa | 4

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Declaring 'many' variables from work space into function workspace
A very simple (but effective) way to do this is to use EVALIN to save the necessary variables in the base workspace to a MAT fil...

circa 14 anni fa | 8

Writing Non-ASCII keys in Serial Port
The value for CTRL-Z (^Z), is 26 (decimal value). So you could just try using FWRITE to send that value, in addition to all the ...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

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Store and read MAT-file as embedded file in an Excel spreadsheet
If you are familiar with C++, then you could consider using the <

circa 14 anni fa | 0

How do I creating a database of image files that is accessible from MATLAB?
You could store the image data into a database as a BLOB (Binary Large Object). I know you can do this in MySQL, you need to che...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

Frequency modulating a wav file?
If simulink is an option, the < FM Modulator Passband...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

calling Java methods using JNI/C++ (via Swig) from Matlab -> UnsatisfiesLinkError
Please try adding the path to the C++ library inside the file: librarypath.txt 1. From the MATLAB command prompt: edit lib...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

How can I convert a MATLAB file into a .exe file ?
You can do this using the < MATLAB Compiler>. The executable created needs to be pack...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

How to replace "getsnapshot" with the button on my webcam?
What you are asking for is a "hardware trigger". You could check if your VIDEOINPUT object supports hardware triggers by using t...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

As Matt mentioned, UITABLE wasn't really supported/documented till R2008a and was not (in 7a) nearly as powerful as it is today....

circa 14 anni fa | 1

How to replace MATLAB icon from a figure window?
As Bruno says, that would be a breach of the MathWorks license agreement. Specific details here: <

circa 14 anni fa | 4

Read Data from Serial Device
Douglas, I would recommend adding a call to FLUSHINPUT (if you are using the Instrument Control Toolbox) as soon as you FOPEN...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Image Background Removal
Have you considered using the < imabsdiff> method. The difference...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Saving a Bilevel - or Binary Image
B = zeros(X, Y, 1, NumberOfFrames); B = logical(B); is what you are looking for. More info here: <

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Motion detection using image subtraction.
< Tracking Objects> Look at the section titled: "O...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

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Creating a gui with variable axes
As far as "variable axes" goes, one approach you could take is to "link" your data to the axes. Then, when you change the data, ...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Help with matrix indexing.
if "i" is 1, then you can not index into c with the row index "i-1". MATLAB uses 1-based indexing. You need to "special case" yo...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Question about assigning prhs to an int * in a mex file.
int *data = (int *) mxGetData(prhs[0]); is what you need to do. mxGetData will return a void ptr which then needs to be "ca...

circa 14 anni fa | 1