Mike Croucher
I write The MATLAB Blog at MathWorks and specialize in High Performance Computing, Research Software Engineering and Machine Learning. You can also follow me at BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/walkingrandomly.bsky.social
0 Problemi
17 Soluzioni
69 Post
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1 Domanda
86 Risposte
69 Post
0 Pubblico Canali
1 Punto principale
Intel vs AMD for a new build in 2025
I am in the market for a new personal machine myself. I don't have any answers as to what is best but I can tell you that MATLAB...
circa 14 ore fa | 0
Optimizing number of threads and workers in virtual machines.
In general, this depends hugely on exactly what your code is doing. If there was one perfect setting that always worked, it woul...
circa 20 ore fa | 0
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Looking for linear system Ax=0 precision improvements
I'm not an expert in this type of thing so take the following with caution but perhaps try vpa to give more precision? Somethin...
8 giorni fa | 0
How to run a MATLAB file without opening the MATLAB GUI?
You need to wrap your script in a run command. I also suggest using the newer, -batch switch "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\bi...
8 giorni fa | 1
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Code generation between r2024a and r2024b
Sorry to hear that you are having problems. It is highly unlikely that anyone in this forum is going to be able to help you with...
10 giorni fa | 0
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How to make ode45 store/return only results of every n-th time step to reduce memory use?
I would suggest trying the new ode interface The new solution framework for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) in MATLAB R20...
14 giorni fa | 0
TODO/FIXME Report in R2024b
This function was removed in R2024b. It has been unsupported for a long time. If you open R2024a, for example, and do help dof...
14 giorni fa | 0
I am looking the instructions page for Online installation.
This forum is largely run by volunteers who are not equipped to resolve installation issues. Since you have paid for the produc...
15 giorni fa | 1
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Method to speed up simulation on working station.
In times gone by it was possible to speed up your simulation simply by running on a bigger or newer machine but those days have ...
15 giorni fa | 0
Blade.stl missing from PDE toolbox
If you run the following command in MATLAB openExample('pde/ThermalStressAnalysisOfJetEngineTurbineBladeExample') you'll get B...
15 giorni fa | 0
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Algorithm used to implement the function qtdecomp?
There is a description of the algorithm on the documentation page qtdecomp. It says "The qtdecomp function divides a square ima...
17 giorni fa | 0
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Faster Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF)
In your original code you didn't define n so I might have got the definition wrong here but since its just a scalar it won't aff...
21 giorni fa | 0
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Inquiry Regarding Minor Variations in MATLAB GPU Computation
It is difficult to comment without seeing the code but the most general thing I can think of saying goes as follows: A calculat...
circa un mese fa | 0
Difference between RMSE of Curve fitter and calculated RMSE in MS Excel
First, I wanted to confirm your manual calculation of RMSE using the formula you gave but using MATLAB instead of Excel. Here's ...
circa 2 mesi fa | 2
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How do I programmatically switch to Dark Mode (Dark Theme) in R2025a?
This is supported from R2025a onwards. This is what you need to do >> s = settings; >> s.matlab.appearance.MATLABTheme.Persona...
circa 2 mesi fa | 2
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How do I programmatically switch to Dark Mode (Dark Theme) in R2025a?
I am running R2025a pre-release. What are the commands to switch to dark mode?
circa 2 mesi fa | 2 risposte | 3
risposteHow do get all of my python libraries in matlab?
Your python environment looks strange to me. I've never seen pythonw.exe used in MATLAB Python environment. It's usually python...
3 mesi fa | 0
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Is there a student version of the Aerospace Toolbox?
There is no free student version of MATLAB but there is a version that is heavily discounted. Go to MATLAB for Students - MATLAB...
3 mesi fa | 1
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I'm trying to make a simple calculator for circuits. And I can not figure out how to take the answer and limit to only like two numbers after the decimal place.
This page on the documentation will help explain the details: Formatting Text TotalResistance = 186.66; fprintf("The total res...
3 mesi fa | 0
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GPU programming for Mac M1
I have an M2 Mac and I have just bought an M4 Mac for my wife. I love the hardware on these machines, its superb! I wrote the bl...
3 mesi fa | 2
Adding Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox to existing MATLAB
In 2024, the way I'd do this is with the mpm download command on a machine with an internet connection and then transfer the res...
3 mesi fa | 0
Working with big tall arrays in an HPC environment
Hi Sebastian I can't comment on the Tall Array situation right now but I'm zooming in on this comment: I am assigning 37 cores...
3 mesi fa | 0
Why does the validation loss first decrease and then increase after about 7 epochs while the training loss keeps decreasing?
I think you are right, this is an example of overfitting. There is no guarenteed way to fix it but there are several things you ...
3 mesi fa | 0
Vectorized code slower than loops
Another option, if you have the hardware, is to use a GPU. Here, you want to do as much vectorisation as you can. Using my des...
3 mesi fa | 1
Vectorized code slower than loops
I made a couple more modifications and came up with a double for-loop that is fastest. One thing that I'd like to point out her...
3 mesi fa | 1
How can I use the LAPACK implementations included in Apple Accelerate Framework with MATLAB R2024b?
You can switch the BLAS to Apple Accelerate as described in Life in the fast lane: Making MATLAB even faster on Apple Silicon wi...
3 mesi fa | 0
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Massive slowdown for Apple Silicon in computing SVD
Hi I have reproduced your times on my M2 MacbookPro using R2024b using both the default BLAS and also the Apple Silicon BLAS as...
3 mesi fa | 1
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Modifying arrow length based on intersection with polygon
The polyxpoly function is what you need polygon_x = [-20 20 20 -20 -20]; polygon_y = [-50 -50 50 50 -50]; origin = [...
6 mesi fa | 2
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What's the actual difference between versions 'a' and 'b' of MATLAB, other than being 6 months apart?
This question comes up so often that I made a blog post about it What’s the difference between the A and B releases in MATLAB? »...
6 mesi fa | 3
Matlab Parallel Server vs Matlab + Parallel Computing Toolbox
Hi Anglea Parallel Computing Toolbox provides the parallel language (parfor, parfeval, spmd etc) and will allow you to run prog...
6 mesi fa | 0
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