
Find out value of sine given by degree.
Find out value of sine given by degree. If theta=30, it's value must be 0.5.

circa 2 anni fa


Make a run-length companion vector
Given a vector x, return a vector r that indicates the run length of any value in x. Each element in r shows how many times the ...

circa 2 anni fa


Flag largest magnitude swings as they occur
You have a phenomenon that produces strictly positive or negative results. delta = [1 -3 4 2 -1 6 -2 -7]; Marching through thi...

circa 2 anni fa


Remove all the redundant elements in a vector, but keep the first occurrence of each value in its original location. So if a =...

circa 2 anni fa


How many trades represent all the profit?
Given a list of results from trades made: [1 3 -4 2 -1 2 3] We can add them up to see this series of trades made a profit ...

circa 2 anni fa


Given a window, how many subsets of a vector sum positive
Given a vector: [1 0 -1 3 2 -3 1] and a window of 2, A sliding window would find: 1 + 0 = 1 0 - 1 = -1 ...

circa 2 anni fa


Return an n-by-n matrix that has a, b, c as the subdiagonal, main diagonal, and superdiagonal entries in the matrix. Example ...

circa 2 anni fa


Find the maximum two numbers of every column of a matrix
Find the maximum two numbers of every column of a matrix. Example: If we input a matrix A = [ 1 2 4 6 0 3 ...

circa 2 anni fa


expand intervals vol.2
Similar to problem <http://www.mathworks.co.uk/matlabcentral/cody/problems/2528 2528>. This is a more general case, when bounds ...

circa 2 anni fa


Another colon problem
This is simple problem based on problems 555, 801, 1118, etc. Create an index vector from two input vectors. Example: ...

circa 2 anni fa


expand intervals
You're given a row vector of an even number of monotonically increasing integers. Each pair of consecutive integers is the lower...

circa 2 anni fa


Draw a Diamond shape in ones Matrix with '0' s
Input will be odd numbers.The task is to make a Diamond shape in a ones matrix with '0's where the matrix will be a square matri...

circa 2 anni fa


Split a string into chunks of specified length
Given a string and a vector of integers, break the string into chunks whose lengths are given by the elements of the vector. Ex...

circa 2 anni fa


Find matching parenthesis
One of the most indispensable things about a great text editor for programming is the ability to quickly jump between matching p...

circa 2 anni fa


Transposition as a CIPHER
This all about transcripting a text message. If the input string is: s1 = 'My name is Sourav Mondal', then the output is: s2 = '...

circa 2 anni fa


Decimal Comparison
*Background* A utility of particular interest to Cody and other MATLAB ventures is comparing the equality of two numbers. In ...

circa 2 anni fa


Replicate elements in vectors
Replicate each element of a row vector (with NaN) a constant number of times. Examples n=2, A=[1 2 3] -> [1 1 2 2 3 3] ...

circa 2 anni fa


Find the largest value in the 3D matrix
Given a 3D matrix A, find the largest value. Example >> A = 1:9; >> A = reshape(A,[3 1 3]); >> islargest(A) a...

circa 2 anni fa


Can we make a triangle?
Given three positive number, check whether a triangle can be made with these sides length or not. remember that in a triangle su...

circa 2 anni fa


Find the sides of an isosceles triangle when given its area and height from its base to apex
Find the sides of an isosceles triangle when given its area and the height from its base to apex. For example, with A=12 and ...

circa 2 anni fa


Height of a right-angled triangle
Given numbers a, b and c, find the height of the right angled triangle with sides a and b and hypotenuse c, for the base c. If a...

circa 2 anni fa


Is the Point in a Triangle?
Check whether a point or multiple points is/are in a triangle with three corners Points = [x, y]; Triangle = [x1, y1; x...

circa 2 anni fa


Right Triangle Side Lengths (Inspired by Project Euler Problem 39)
If _p_ is the perimeter of a right angle triangle with integral length sides, { _a_, _b_, _c_ }, there are exactly three solutio...

circa 2 anni fa


Find my daddy long leg (No 's')
Given the ratio of the two legs (longer / shorter), and the hypotenuse length, find the value of the bigger leg.

circa 2 anni fa


Calculate the area of a triangle between three points
Calculate the area of a triangle between three points: P1(X1,Y1) P2(X2,Y2) P3(X3,Y3) these three points are the vert...

circa 2 anni fa


Specific Element Count
Given a vector _v_ and a element _e_, return the number of occurrences of _e_ in _v_. Note: NaNs are equal and there may be n...

circa 2 anni fa


Draw a '8' in a zero matrix!

circa 2 anni fa


Distance walked 2D
Suppose you go from x-y coordinates [3,4] to [0,0] to [0,1] to [1,1], then you walked 7 units of distance.

circa 2 anni fa


Binary Coder
Take an input number and print the binary value of this number.

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Scoring for oriented dominoes
Given a list of ordered pairs, and the order they should be placed in a line, find the sum of the absolute values of the differe...

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