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445 Risposte
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Dynamically increasing propery size in object
Hello Everyone, I know dynamically increasing array size (without pre-allocation) is not good for performnace and there are sev...
oltre 3 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaSequential batch processes in Simulink
In Simulink, you can not start different subsystems at different time. When you start simulation at t=0, all block in the model ...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
How can I find out the subsystem computation time for each tilmestep?
Use *Simulation profiler* (not Solver profiler) to check profile info of blocks in the model. <
oltre 6 anni fa | 1
What is the technical rationale behind warning diagnostics for vector/matrix block input conversion?
Its part of < High Integrity System Modeling guideline>. Pl...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
How to build an S-function with nested C++ source code? (The source code has a lot of folders and sub-folders)
There are multiple ways to integrated you leagcy c/c++ code into a s-function. Please check below references 1. <https://in....
oltre 6 anni fa | 1
Infinite while loop in Matlab function block
I guess, you are trying to run the loop for checking _Moisture_Sensor_area_1_OUT<Moisture_instruction_min_ condition for every s...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
Force update scope window when running rapid accelerator mode from command line
Scope will not update with *sim* command, but it works with *SimulationCommand* (please dont ask why :P) set_param('MyModel...
oltre 6 anni fa | 1
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How can I create a Mex function from a generated C code from Simulink Coder?
Simulink model (and also generated code) is designed to run on a *solver* which is part of Simulink tool but not present in Matl...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
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Subtraction of two single-precision arrays reuslts in an integer (?) array
Values in your arrays frame_1 & frame_2 are such that, difference is always a whole number (fraction part is 0). So they appear ...
oltre 6 anni fa | 1
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How to exclude Simulink blocks from code generation?
If you want to exclude some blocks from *Simulion and Code Generation*, then you can comment them out. As far I know, there i...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
Generate a variable bus from within a mask in Simulink
You need to use evalin or assign in functions to create required variable in base worksspace from Mask workspace. For example...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
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Can I find where a Simulink.Signal object is stored based on a Data Store Read/Write in the model?
If Simulink.Signal object name is "x" >> varInfo = Simulink.findVars('MyModel','Name','x') varInfo = Vari...
oltre 6 anni fa | 1
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Distinguish MATLAB Library & Custom Library
libdata = libinfo(gcb); libdir = which(libdata(1).Library, '-all'); If libdir have a matlab installation path, then it i...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
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convert an enum to another type of enum
If your enums definitions are compatible, then you can convert them directly in Simulink using "Data Type Conversion" block. ...
oltre 6 anni fa | 1
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S-Function Builder. Error using mex: error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol 'Function' referenced in function XXX_Output_wrapper
S-function builder builds and produce output mex file directly. Why you need to compile them seprately ? However.... In S-...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
What is the token of the block property Function Packaging?
This is not listed in token list. %<RTWSystemCode>
oltre 6 anni fa | 1
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How to work on objects in the workspace from Simulink
If these objrcts are not supported by any Simulink toolbox, then you can not use them directly in Simulink. But you can extra...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
Generate ramp signal for a certain time in simulink
Function which you have written will generate whole Ramp in just onec call (one sample). In Simulink, this function will be c...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
Trigger mode and time range setting support in Simulation data inspector?
There are several options to solve your problem. Carefully check the setting in <
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
Supress simulink from evaluating initialisation commands while editing
You can check model simulation status on mask initialization to decide whether to run your command or not. if ~strcmpi(get_...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
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1 library block is generated in autocode as 2 different functions. How can I generate 1 common function?
In Subsystem block parameter dialog, goto "Code Generation" tab and select "Function Packaging" as "Reusable function". Check...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
Display signals from the activated variant subsystem in a sleek manner
Another way is to *log* the signal to base workspace and anlyze on Simulink Data Inspector. You can connect just *Terminate* ...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
How to read a value of S function popup in C code?
Just like Inputs and Outputs there are S-function APIs to access the parameters. Please check <
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
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Struct as input to a Simulink MATLAB Function block
Check below links: <
oltre 6 anni fa | 1
Dashboard Lamp Covered by Annotation
# Double click on the Lamp to open Block Parameter Window. # At the bottom of Window make "Label" = Hide in dropdown option.
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
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How to have multiple seeds for random generation in Simulink?
# In Child model --> Create Model parameter for seed. # In "Model Block" in Parent model --> Pass the seed value in "Model Arg...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
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getting the arrays stored for Simulation Data Inspector to plot in Scope Block?
Simulink Data Inspector (SDI) stores the previous simulation plots in %TEMP% folder in binary format (file name USERNAME_sdi*.dm...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
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How to find execution time of a block inside a SIMULINK file?
May be you need to use Simulink Profiler. <
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
How to make a Simulink block constant, execute only once?
Put your child model in Enabled Subsystem in parent model. [parent.slx [Enabled Subsystem [Enchild.slx]]] Enable the sub...
oltre 6 anni fa | 1
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Extract rows from a matrix input signal in TLC files
I assume you are trying to inline S-function for C-code generation. Simulink Coder (and also Embedded Coder) handles 2-D arra...
oltre 6 anni fa | 0
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