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How to Create a Standalone .exe File from Simulink Code?
Hi Aaron, I had a similar usecase where I needed to make some changes to the generated code from a Simulink Model and later cre...
circa un mese fa | 0
Modbus RTU Write Simulink Block error
Hi Marco, I faced a similar issue in MATLAB R2024b. The issue was with the input data type of the signal going into "Modbus Cl...
circa un mese fa | 0
simulink filter compatible with HDL coder
Hello Wen, You can use the command "hdllib" (HDL Coder) at the MATLAB command line to create a library of HDL-supported blocks ...
circa un mese fa | 0
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How can I count the number of non virtual blocks in my model?
Hi Donald, To count number of "Nonvirtual" blocks within a model, you can leverage the "find_system" function and its options t...
circa un mese fa | 0
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Constant Rad/s to Revoluate Joint in Simscape multibody
Hi Enis, To obtain a constant physical signal like a constant "Rad/s" signal, there are two common ways: Use a "PS Constant" b...
3 mesi fa | 0
simple matlab function (simulink) with if?
Hello SimTec, The error message you're encountering indicates that the output variable "pos" is not be assigned a value on some...
3 mesi fa | 0
Matlab function in simulink
Hey Vimala, The error you're encountering is related to the output dimensions of the "MATLAB function" block. In your code, y...
4 mesi fa | 0
Specifying the input names in an automatically generated matlab function
Hi Cosimo, In order to get the results that you want, try the following command which works in both MATLAB R2017b and MATLAB R2...
4 mesi fa | 0
Is it possible to divide a resource from a resource pool into different percentages?
Hello Prashant, Since your resource is the "trucks", you can define an "Entity Generator" block that mimics the loading behavio...
4 mesi fa | 1
How can I display errors with custom error checking rules like shown in the picture
Hello Zhiyun, To create custom checks in Simulink, you can utilize the "Model Advisor" tool. Visit the following link for more ...
4 mesi fa | 0
Put arrow and its value in a plot
Hi Adi, You can use the "text" function available in MATLAB to create plot shown in your image. Here is the documentation link...
4 mesi fa | 0
Unable to get a certain mass of gas to enter a cosntant volume chamber, build up pressure then leave to go into the rest of the system.
Assuming the value of variable "ptankVolume" to be "1", there are some changes required in your model in order to tackle the war...
4 mesi fa | 0
Model coverage with library blocks and model reference.
Hi Claudio, For your usecase, you can use the Coverage Analyzer app, you can learn more about Simulink coverage here: https://...
4 mesi fa | 0
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Error using fclose "No space left on device"
Hi Younes, I faced a similar issue in MATLAB R2020b when I was using "fwrite" after "fread". As written in the following docum...
4 mesi fa | 0
verification of ccs studio code using simulink
Hi Nilesh, You can use the "S-Function" block to add the "CCS" code into Simulink. You can refer the following link for more in...
4 mesi fa | 0
random number block in Simulink
Hello Anas, In Simulink, the "Random Number" block generates random numbers with a specified mean and variance. However, if you...
4 mesi fa | 0
Ramp up/down function based on the variable input in Simulink/Matlab
Hello Aung, For your use case, the simplest way to generate the specified signal is by utilizing the "Signal Editor" block. Ye...
4 mesi fa | 0
Convert a simulink file to previous version
Hello Bruno, As Yakshraj said, while saving you can select the Simulink version you want to save your model. But if you do not...
5 mesi fa | 0
¿cual es el esquema para la simulación de un generador eléctrico en simulink ?
Hi Jaider, Estaré respondiendo tu consulta en inglés. To model a electric generator in Simulink you can refer the following do...
5 mesi fa | 0
Modeling a resistor using custom Simscape block and lookup tables using data from an excel sheet.
Hi Pranav, For loading external data in a SSC file you can use "MATLAB Declaration Functions". Here is the link for the followi...
5 mesi fa | 0
How can I write to either the MATLAB Command Window or the Simulink Diagnostic Viewer from code called by a C Function block?
Hello Jeff, You can use the "mexPrintf" function for printing messages during runtime on Simulink Diagnostic Viewer from C++ co...
5 mesi fa | 0
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Simulaciones de contacto FEM en Matlab
Hola Aurea, Responderé a tu pregunta en inglés In order to model contact between gears or other solid body, you can use Simsca...
5 mesi fa | 0
How to get the computation time of simulinkcomponent(.ssc) in simulink model(.slx)
Hi Usachi, The Simulink Profiler identifies execution time for each and individual blocks present in a model. It works for SS...
5 mesi fa | 0
how to make parameters valid in components of ssc documentaion?
Hi Shang, I am not a expert on SPICE but I can help you with the SSC code. In the "components" attribute, you cannot use a var...
5 mesi fa | 0
Error during FFT analyzer is Simulink
Hi Asmund, I have faced a similar issue while using MATLAB R2024a. The issue seems to stem from the output variable being of ty...
5 mesi fa | 0
Error: Class member redefinition has been found
Hello Maarten, The error you are getting is expected as “dQ” is a node and not a variable. If you try and assign a value to a ...
6 mesi fa | 0
Bus Creator hierarchy conflicting with Bus Objects
Hi Mortiz, I have faced a similar issue, and this error occurs when there is a mismatch between the signal order in the “Bus C...
6 mesi fa | 0
Error using structure in Simulink "propagated signal hierarchy is inconsistent with the bus object"
Hey MarkD, As the error suggests, the “Bus Creator” block expects a data of type “double”, but it receives a data of type “Bus...
6 mesi fa | 0
How to convert a function handle to symbolic function?
Hey Vedant, To resolve the issue, you need to convert the “cfit” object from the curve fitting process into a symbolic express...
6 mesi fa | 0
Given a circular pizza with radius z and thickness a, return the pizza's volume. [ z is first input argument.] Non-scored bonus...
6 mesi fa