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Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

oltre 9 anni fa


Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

oltre 9 anni fa

How can I replace a specific number (row/column) in .dat file
It depends on how your data is stored in the .dat file. If it is ASCII, you can load it using mydata=load(Filename,'-asc...

circa 10 anni fa | 0

plotting two figures side by side
You can use subplot. First create a figure figure; and then subplot(1,2,1) %make here your first plot su...

circa 10 anni fa | 4

| accettato

White balance tool in Photoshop
Maybe it is better to ask your question in a Photoshop related forum. Anyway I don't think Photoshop will tell you the exact alg...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

1000 paths of Brownian motion
You have to set the correct size of W before you do the loop. So instead of W=[]; you should use something like: W=zeros(K+...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Converting velocity, time, and force data into acceleration
Assuming that you have a time series of velocity values, you could just calculate the derivative of the velocity by using the co...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

how can I plot the following function in matlab without symbolic toolbox?
In addition to the answer of the cyclist: You set Sum=0 outside of the loop, which means that it will never be reset to 0 for...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

how to filter data in matlab like in excel
You can use indexing. For example: tenpm=data(data(:,1)==22,2); data(:,1)==22 selects only the rows in which the first c...

quasi 11 anni fa | 4

| accettato

how to stop logical operators?
Instead of a for-loop, you can use a while loop. Something like this: while abs((t(i)-t(i-1)))>10^-6 your calculati...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Filesize of an image
Your image is stored as a jpg-file, which usually means that the image is compressed. In this case using the Huffman method (Cod...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

| accettato

How can I generate a matrix?
a={2,5,2,4,2,3,4,4,8}; b={1,3,1,3,4,2,3,3,2}; yourmat=zeros(8,5); for ii=1:length(a) yourmat(a{ii},b{ii})=you...

quasi 11 anni fa | 1

How to open the gray scale image of Digital surface model (DSM)?
What if you use imagesc to show your image? There might be a problem with the scaling of your image. imagesc(I)

quasi 11 anni fa | 0


Curve fitting tool does not show main plot in Matlab 2013b
Dear all, When I use the Curve Fitting Tool in Matlab 2013b on MacOS X it does not show me the 'Main Plot' after fitting a cu...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0 risposte | 0



Attempted to access betaI(2.72775e+06); index out of bounds because numel(betaI)=1
Without running your code, I see that you define betaI as a scalar: betaI = 0.170; But then in your function you use ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

| accettato

How do i get past the dimension mismatch on line 36?
The problem is with your calculation of 'half'. It uses the variable 't', which is an array (1x1000) and therefore 'half' will b...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

| accettato

To find the exponent for a data
If you want to do this only once, you could use the Curve Fitting Tool using the command 'cftool'. You only need a variable with...

quasi 11 anni fa | 1

| accettato

Discrete derivative via Matlab
If you want to calculate the derivative like this, you have to divide the change in y (dy) by the change in x (dx), so dy/dx. Yo...

quasi 11 anni fa | 1

| accettato

intersect(A,B) returns the data with no repetitions
You can use the function 'ismember' for this purpose. From the help: LIA = ismember(A,B) for arrays A and B returns an...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

How to compress a matrix using EZW Algorithm ?
Here is the matlab implementation of the EZW Algorithm:

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Can someone help me to implement this algorithm I have tried to but get errors
It depends a bit on what result you want, but if you change that line to if strcmp(reekskar{i},kodetabel{k}) the script...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Creating matrix with loops
You don't need loops to get the matrix you want, you can make the individual columns by playing a bit around with divisions and ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Generate specific matrix from an array
Below I show one way to do it. For big arrays there might be a faster way if you don't use for-loops, but for small n there is n...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Matlab Code for GUI
This is a very general question, here are some examples on how to create a list box, a push button and many other components in ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

How to plot the growth of interest in matlab (time on x-axis and current balance on y-axis)?
I'll give you one hint, because it seems to me that this is homework. t=[0:1:30];

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

How to create Gauss noise within the interval
This is not possible, since the output of randn can be in principle any value between -Inf and +Inf. Depending on what you w...

quasi 11 anni fa | 2

Plotting Two Gaussians on One Histogram
Hi, you can create the two shifted histograms with randn. gauss1=randn(100000,1)/2+1; %create gaussian around +1 gaus...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

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input a string into a vector when n=odd number
Hi, First, you can't just put strings into a vector with numbers, you will need to use a cell array, so you need to define yo...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

how to apply imhist () for matrix <768x1024x3 uint8> ,how to use imhist for 3d matrix
If you want to make a histogram of all your values together you can do something like this: testim=uint8(rand(768,1024,3)*2...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

out = x; "Not enough input arguments"
How did you call your function? It seems you forgot to put input arguments, in this case 'x'. I would try to call your functi...

quasi 11 anni fa | 1

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