Sudharsana Iyengar
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0 Punti principali
Plotting Complex Functions.
I intend to do a taylor series expansion at t=0. I would like to plot the coefficients of each Taylor term in the complex plan...
4 mesi fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaHow to solve for dI/dz differential equation using runge kutta 4th order method?
use ode45 create a function of your diffrential equations and use ODE 45. This is an example, do a similar for yours. funct...
circa 3 anni fa | 0
question about result in matlab
Try this syms A B C D E F eqn1= A - 0.25*E == 6.25; eqn2=B-0.25*F-0.25*D == 4.45; eqn3=C-0.25*E == 6.8; eqn4=D-0.25*B==5....
circa 3 anni fa | 0
| accettato
Error: Index exceeds array bounds.
Can you check the Size of W. and see what W(1) contains. mod_MulInverse(i)=Column1(i); %working mod_MulInverse(i)=W(1);% ...
circa 3 anni fa | 0
function call and getting array error
U_s_x is a 4x9x9 matrix but U_px is 1x2 matrix. So there is no U_px(3,4) did you check on that. U_s_x(i,j,k)=U_p...
circa 3 anni fa | 0
| accettato
Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation.
Hi in your program you have A which is size 100 and B that is size 400. Thats is why this issue. Change your program to this. ...
circa 3 anni fa | 0
how to arrange vector to matrix?
You can try using the functions perms. or if you want cyclic permutations x=[1,2,3,4,5,6]; v=perms(x) X=[1,2,3,4,5,6]; V=[...
circa 3 anni fa | 0
2D wave direction Plot with Arrow
You can use the in built quiver function which is in Matlab. For instance when you want to plot the wind direction in a given re...
circa 3 anni fa | 0
| accettato
Moving x and y of a picture and transfr color
Do you want to perform a PCA in 3D. You can use hyperpca command in Image Processing tool box. It is not clear to me what you ...
circa 3 anni fa | 0
Please explain the following code for me !!!
You have generated code using generate code in the file menu of your figure. So next time when you want to make a figure of th...
circa 3 anni fa | 0
| accettato
How to use imageDatastore function to train model on .mat file dataset?
General Tutorial:
circa 3 anni fa | 0
Beginner Question 5x5 Matrix
@Kutay Furkan AKALIN consider accepting answer so that it is closed. @Steven Lord that is an amazing discovery.
circa 3 anni fa | 0
load dat file in matlab
You can try readtable T=readtable('somefile.dat')
circa 3 anni fa | 0
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Interleaved repmat (row duplication)
Try this A=[1,0,0; 0 0 1; 1 1 1;]; k=1; for i =1:3 T(k:k+1,:)=repmat(A(i,:),2,1); k=k+2; end T
circa 3 anni fa | 0
How to turn off X axis while keeping the X axis grid lines?
Hi Please try this and see if this is what you wanted. grid on set(gca,'Xticklabel',{})
circa 3 anni fa | 1
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grouping values that as need
An example: x=linspace(1,60,60); k=1; for i =1:6:length(x) B(k,1:6)=x(i:i+5) %; add this semicolon if you dont want this t...
circa 3 anni fa | 1
| accettato
How to turn off X axis while keeping the X axis grid lines?
grid on set(gca,'Xtick',[],'Ytick',[])
circa 3 anni fa | 0
Draw the graph by calling the script
Ok let me give you a simple script that will do this work for you. function drawscript(x,y) plot(x,y) set(gca,'TickLength',[...
circa 3 anni fa | 0
Combine two models in simbiology, where one of them is a species.
I am having 2 species reacting to give me a reaction product. Can I replace one of the species with another model. Let t...
quasi 4 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaHow do i create a colormap that seperates ranges between exact values?
Try something like this, custom colormap with 5 colors. mymap = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]; surf(...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
How to plot Poincare map and Bifurcation diagrams of ferrosonance
For bifurcation diagram: Run the system for particular values of the parameter and store the time series. Change one of the pa...
oltre 7 anni fa | 2
summation of two different loops
If the vectors generated are of same size then you can add them. It is not clear what you mean by loop. Do you mean for loops. w...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
Problem in copying figure in MATLAB 2014b
have you tried this eval(['print -dmeta nameofyourfile.emf']);
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
I have 32x32 matrix...But I want to make this a 512x512 matrix with the same element as in the 32x32 matrix..and the rest of which would be zero in 512x512 matrix.. how do i do it??
A=32x32 matrix B=zeros(512) for i= 1:32 for j=1:32 B(i,j)=A(i,j) end end try this
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
How to construct image from a .dat file?
what does your dat file contain. did you try imagesc option. import the dat file into matlab and store as a variable. ...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
How can I store scores in txt file by fprintf?
since you want it in text format why dont you use dlm write. If suppose you want to save a particular variable say S use fo...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Importing specific rows of Data from Text file
I dont know if this would help. when i looked at your sensor data the first column consisted of strings while remaining columns ...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
How do I use a for-loop to do fft and plot the power?
HI, Try this and let me know. for a= 0:4 A=fft(Be(a*1000:(a+1)*1000)); A(1)=[]; ...
circa 10 anni fa | 0
How can I plot only certain values from an array?
just another method. This is round about way and will actually take more time to execute. j=1; for i=1:length(a)...
circa 10 anni fa | 0
How to plot from certain range of data?
Did you try the following x=Scope1(:,1); y=Scope1(:,3); plot(x,y) xlim([10 20]) More easier option wo...
circa 10 anni fa | 0