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46 Risposte
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Have matlab implemented a polygon offset function?
Hi, This question have been circulation on the Internet for a while and I think it is time to ask the question again. Many pe...
oltre 9 anni fa | 3 risposte | 0
What about the character #?
Hi, I wonder if anyone have an idea about the character #. It appears to have no use in matlab and it can neither be used in ...
oltre 9 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
How are structs handled when passed to a function?
Hi, I a question about how structs are handled when they are used as input arguments to functions. I know about "copy on write",...
circa 10 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0
risposteHow to do workaround MATLAB crash in set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',ax1)?
I just found an answer to the problem, but I still wanted to publish this question to raise the problem. I would not be able to ...
circa 10 anni fa | 1
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How to do workaround MATLAB crash in set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',ax1)?
Hi, I have used matlab for a long time and always liked it. That to say until version 2014b. This version seems to have sever...
circa 10 anni fa | 3 risposte | 1
Why does legend patch turn black when using saveas?
Hi, I have a problem with the function |saveas| in matlab. The problem appears when I create a legend for more than one graph (e...
circa 10 anni fa | 0 risposte | 0
risposteConversion of time series- hour resolution to minute resolution!
You can use repmat t0 = [1,0,0,1]; % [00.00, 01.00, 02.00, 03.00] t1tmp = repmat(t0,10,1); % repeat rows 10 times t1tmp =...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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Why does not overloading using assignin work?
Hi, I have noticed something strange. It have most likely to do with the fundamental structure of matlab. What I wonder is if th...
oltre 10 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0
risposteCalculating average and saving to a new file
I am not exactly sure what you want to do, but the guess is that you have to set of points |x| and |y|. Then calculate average w...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
How is a try catch block evaluated?
Hi, I wonder how a |try-catch| block is evaluated in matlab. In particular, is the |try-catch| block evaluated in runtime or com...
oltre 10 anni fa | 2 risposte | 1
risposteRandomise the upper triangle of a matrix
Try the |triu| function that extracts the upper triangular part of a matrix. b = ones(10); a = randn(10); aUpper = tr...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
Why the negative voltage is not displayed?
Are you 100% sure of this? It seems to quite counter purpose to have a thyristor convertor outputing negative voltage, since the...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
grabbing number after decimal
Since there have been a discussion about floating point errors here (which IMO seems to be overkill to care about for this opera...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
Create a simple gui with a list and an axes without GUIDE
I have been trying a little and found out a way to do this. I found that the function to use is <
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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Create a simple gui with a list and an axes without GUIDE
Hi, guide is an excellent way to create a gui i matlab, but due to the large amount of code generated it get a bit slow and also...
oltre 10 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaplacing values in the form of a triangle in a matrix
Try this, n = 5; A0 = fliplr( triu(ones(n)) ); A = cumsum( A0(:) ); A = reshape(A,n,n); A(A0<=0) = 0 The idea is to ...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
I need to convert the number {11.741677 ] to {11741677} without the point
It is always possible to go the long way around here. a = {11.741667 3.913892 14.488700 8.746350 0.349066}; str = cellfun(...
oltre 10 anni fa | 1
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Matlab Question Error! Index dimension error.
There are a number of issues with this piece of code. 1) You should not have a clc inside a function. It is bad practice sinc...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
how to convert and solve error Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
You can only use |&&| for scalar inputs. For vector use either |&| for elementwise or |isequal| to check if vectors are equal.
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
Removing NaN from matrix
You could choose to only pass non nan elements to spline. nonNanTemlin = ~isnan(temlin(:,tnum)); tempnorm(:,tnum) = spline...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
Precision when dividing two functions going against zero
I think that you should try to do the calculations manually. I did the calculations manually and got that the value should conve...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
send function to a function
The error you have is most likely a simple function call. I tried to reproduce your error, but the only way to do that was to ca...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
How to manualy break a for loop but continue with the rest of matlab code execution?
It is possible, but not trivial. Matlab figures is a one type of gui. For these there are some defined processes that can do wha...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
There is 2 types of logical operators for some operations in matlab. For and can you use either |&&| or |&| to operator on scala...
oltre 10 anni fa | 27
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choose some random number from the given number matlab
Ok, I assume that the example "a=[1 1 2 4 5 1 1 1]; than the answer should be b= 1 3 1" had a typo and that you want to randomly...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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terminate mex function from separate thread
Hi, It is a known problem to exit mex functions from matlab. However, by googling I have finally found an idea to a workaroun...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0 risposte | 0
risposteHow can i ploting 3 function with 2 variables?
Ok this seems to give some chaotic pattern. t = 0:0.01:2*pi; w2=linspace(0,20,length(t)); w1=4*w2; m=w1.*t; n=w2.*t; x...
oltre 10 anni fa | 1
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Merging two matrices by first column values
Since the type of the date is only vaguely specified I will select one. A = {'01/01/2014', 1.2345;'03/01/2014', 1.2345;'04/...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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What is the opinion of matlabs "extra rounding improvements"?
Hi, during my work with matlab I have noticed that matlab always tries to improve some basic functionality of other programming ...
oltre 10 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0
risposteWhy am I getting this error? The integrand function must return an output vector of the same length as the input vector.
This function you use, |quad| uses an adaptive recursive algorithm to get an answer with below some tolerance. This method calls...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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