Thomas Koelen
Océ Technologies
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12 Domande
104 Risposte
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0 Punti principali
Writing error in parfor loop
Try writing a function that writes the data, then call this function in your parfor loop.
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
How to scale a dataset to fit an other dataset?
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Concatenate Columns of Cells
I think this does what you want :) a={'20/7/2014' 0 0; 0 '23/7/2014' 0; 0 0 '26/7/2014'}; j=1; for i=1:size(a,1)*si...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
ideas to smooth a sharpe corner of a graph?
Maybe construct splines? <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/examples/how-to-construct-splines.html> example: x=1:...
quasi 10 anni fa | 1
This question I found in internet please help me to solve this question.
I strongly feel like this is homework.. but: function M_out = odd_index(M) M_out = M(1:2:end, 1:2:end); end
quasi 10 anni fa | 3
| accettato
changing the name of the excel file using ActXserver
You could read the file with xlsread then save it with the name you want with xlswrite <http://nl.mathworks.co...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Keep GUI functions running when opening an uigetfile Dialog?
Try calling a function that calls the uigetfile function, maybe this works but I'm not sure.
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Replace values with specified values
I answered the (somewhat) same question yesterday, this should solve your issue: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answ...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Make ifft2 to give real output
use abs() or real()? depending on if you want only the real number or the absolute value.
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
[DISCONTINUED] New design of the forum - grey on white / wish list #3 / bug reports
If I scroll down to a topic I have to scroll up all the way to go to the top part of the menu of the website (file exchange, l...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
findout the second largest element in each row and its location in a matrix
Edit: seems like I misread second largest... , should be ;. A=[1 2 3 4 5; 6 7 9 8 10; 11 12 14 13 15]; [m,i] = max(A,...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Obtaining a list of (x, y) points that correspond to specific values of concentration that are chosen at random
clc clear all close all NOP=10; A=rand(52,61,61)*100; B=0; Z=0; while length(B)<NOP X=randi([1 52]); ...
quasi 10 anni fa | 2
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Is it possible to write several functions into a single m-file?
The first function in an m-file (i.e. the main function), is invoked when that m-file is called. It is not required that the mai...
quasi 10 anni fa | 2
| accettato
I am stuck with inserting data into my MS Access Database. I already converted the data into cell array but it still returns me the error indicating that I am inputting the wrong data type.
Are you sure you already created a database?
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Matlab jokes or puns
Found in a collegues code: <<http://i.imgur.com/f1fqR9P.png>>
quasi 10 anni fa | 183
Problem with interp1 with data that occurs multiple times
I have two sets of data: NMA = 1.0000 0.9568 0.8540 0.7553 0.6755 0.6031 0.5388 0.4...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0 risposte | 0
risposte32 bit exe compilation using matlab 64 installed
As of R2010b, it is possible to compile 32-bit Windows applications using MATLAB on a 64-bit machine. See the -win32 option on t...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
How to do Design of Experiments with Box-Behnken design with my required levels?
dBB=bbdesign(3); dBB(dBB==-1)=40; dBB(dBB==0)=30; dBB(dBB==1)=0.5; dBB Here you go. Dbb= 40.0000 4...
quasi 10 anni fa | 3
How can I get the interpolated value of and array
quasi 10 anni fa | 1
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Reorienting Accelerometer data according to gravity
This website explains it very well, also shows some example coding, it's matlab however: <http://balkansoft.blogspot.nl/2012...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Creating random circle patterns in an image
Hallo Iris, je kan hier deze functie voor gebruiken. function circle(x,y,r) %x en y zijn de coördinaten vaan het midden ...
quasi 10 anni fa | 1
how to clear axis in for loop?
Why would you use m instead of just using the i you already specified in your for loop? For further work don't use i or j as ...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
How to compute P.S.N.R value for the below set of images?
If you have the image processing toolbox you can use the function: peaksnr = psnr(A,ref) where A is your output1 and ref...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
| accettato
what are the different between test data and training data??
In a dataset a training set is implemented to build up a model, while a test (or validation) set is to validate the model built....
quasi 10 anni fa | 1
How did file size change with print(gcf,'-dmeta')?
Try this: [image,path] = uigetfile('*.*'); info = imfinfo(fullfile(path,image)) check the differe...
quasi 10 anni fa | 1
3D histogram of RGB image
<http://nl.mathworks.com/help/stats/hist3.html> Your teacher was right.
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Clearing the cell array at the end of the loop
At the end of you loop you just put: d={}; Thomas
quasi 10 anni fa | 1
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Additional text on contour lines
Try using the CLABEL function to get the text object handles and then set the text object "String" property to the text you wa...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
How to add two images in one, next to each other
Try using montage: <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/montage.html>
quasi 10 anni fa | 0