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How do i get the editor window to open above the command window and not in a new separate one?
oltre 8 anni fa | 42
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Cell array, string concatenation
function outString = myStringConcatenator(inString1, inString2) minLength = min(length(inString1), length(inString2));...
oltre 8 anni fa | 0
How to replace two for loops with matrix expression
You may directly use "vectorization" and "element-wise operation to solve this : Here is an example code - %% Assumption...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How can I set Values to Simulink Block from my Workspace?
To get the list of parameters associated with 'PID Controller' block, I would use the below command : allParams = get_param...
circa 9 anni fa | 0
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choose one out of every 8 elements randomly
m = 100; spacedIds = [0:8:m]; rands = randi(8, 1, size(spacedIds,2)-1); randIds = spacedIds(1:end-1)+ rands; %...
circa 9 anni fa | 0
importing an excel table with words
'xlsread' returns 3 outputs - [numOnly, textOnly, rawDataInCellArray] = xlsread(xlFile); If you need the data in only...
oltre 9 anni fa | 1
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Converting cell components into strings for moving files
Replace the line calling 'movefile' by a cell-function. Like this - cellfun(@(C) movefile(C, destination), source)
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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How to extract a specific value within given range and row and column number which has a specific value.
>> randMatrix = (0.02*rand(5,1) - 0.01); % A random 5x1 matrix >> [~, id] = min(abs(randMatrix - 0.003)); This would wor...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
find a value in a matrix
I wasn't sure if you want the actual output in terms of 'x*' or the corresponding index. >> inputMat = [2 3 4; 5 -2 -5; -6 -...
oltre 9 anni fa | 1
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how to find max and min value from .mat file and save it to an other array?
Looks like the input array is already being sorted before saving into matfile. Now all you have to do is load the file, and get ...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
How to display a tf function in the command window frm simulink??
If your model is loaded, you can access the parameter values for a block using "get_param" api. Say, you have a model "myMode...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
How to select two (or more) different ranges using xlsread
You can patch the function, or write a new one to get the functionality: Example: [x,y,z] = xlsreadPatch('test.xlsx', '...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
How to find the median of one part of a column being in a while loop?
Is this what you're looking for? A1=[1950 0;1951 0;1952 0;1953 0;1954 0;1955 0]; A2=[1960 1;1961 2;1962 3;1963 4;195...
oltre 9 anni fa | 1
Count number of changes to 1
If you're only counting the changes 0 -> 1 , then it would be the number of occurrences of 1 (1-0) in the diff vector. >> A ...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Batch runs- Matlab busy
If you call the batch file with "&", the job will be launched in a different shell and it will free matlab prompt immediately. ...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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Data import from excel
You could read the entire spreadsheet as cells, like this - >> [~,~,rawData] = xlsread('mySpreadSheet.xls');
oltre 9 anni fa | 1
Modify the following program in order to get rid of the break statement without affecting the behavior of the program
Hi Taylie, I am not sure why you want the 'break' to be removed. However, the following code works - but NOT an elegant way o...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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Code of Exponential Discontinuous Function
Does this give the desired plot? Dd = 50; Td = 3600; A1 = 74.6; alpha1 = 2.43*(10^(-3)); A2 = 2.49; alpha2 =...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Create a Message Box with a condition
x = 5:25; % Input Vector limit = 10; if ~isempty(find(x<limit,1)) msgbox('Fault'); else % Do Something Else...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Having issues with understanding the formatting of an error message.
Hey Justin, [] is used for horizontal concatenation of arrays. Texts inside ' ' are treated as character arrays and the numb...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
i wanted to plot histogram for following
% Need to convert the input as a cell-array >> status = {'dosing', 'dosing', 'dosing', 'initializing',... '...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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Simple Array Calculation Help
>> inputArray = [S R R R S S S R S R S S R R R R R S S S S S S R S S S R R S ]; >> result = (nonzeros((diff([0 (find(inputA...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Error when function changes cell array size
You ought to be using curly brackets for indexing here. function args = updateCell(args, string, value) if isempty(...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Converting function file to Anonomys function.
fH = str2func('lorenz'); y = feval(fH,t,x,sigma,rho,beta);
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
How to access workspace variables one by one using m-script
You can get all the workspace variables like this: >> varList = evalin('base', 'who'); Then check individual parameters:...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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flag an error message when a scalar is complex
if ~isreal(num) error('This is a complex number.') end
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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Problem in nested function
Looks like, you haven't closed all of your function definition with an 'end'. function [ resobj ] = plot4Paper(data_choice...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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Set Data Type of Inport Block
You can double click on the block and change the following values: <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/31765/Inport.PNG...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Need help on my for loop
Isn't there a mix-up between 'i' and 'k' index? Also, you could use 'hold on' before starting the loop and avoid the conditio...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
State space without using the control toolbox - Error using + Matrix dimensions must agree.
In this line, x(:,k) = x(:,k-1) + dt*(A*x(k-1) + B*u(k-1)); % Error The term A*x(k-1) would give you a 2x2 matrix. You ...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0