

Last seen: 9 mesi fa Attivo dal 2017

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  • 3 Month Streak
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  • Knowledgeable Level 4
  • MATLAB Central Treasure Hunt Finisher
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Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Example 1: Input: s = "abcabcbb" O...

oltre un anno fa | 1 | 12 risolutori


Length of a short side
Calculate the length of the short side, a, of a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse of length c, and other short side of lengt...

oltre un anno fa


Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector
Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector x. Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5] Output y is 11 Input x ...

oltre un anno fa


MATLAB Basic: rounding IV
Do rounding towards plus infinity. Example: -8.8, answer -8 +8.1 answer 9 +8.50 answer 9

circa 3 anni fa


MATLAB Basic: rounding III
Do rounding towards minus infinity. Example: -8.8, answer -9 +8.1 answer 8 +8.50 answer 8

circa 3 anni fa


MATLAB Basic: rounding II
Do rounding nearest integer. Example: -8.8, answer -9 +8.1 answer 8 +8.50 answer 9

circa 3 anni fa


MATLAB Basic: rounding
Do rounding near to zero Example: -8.8, answer -8 +8.1 answer 8

quasi 4 anni fa


Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

circa 6 anni fa


Select every other element of a vector
Write a function which returns every other element of the vector passed in. That is, it returns the all odd-numbered elements, s...

oltre 6 anni fa


Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

oltre 6 anni fa


Add two numbers
Given a and b, return the sum a+b in c.

oltre 6 anni fa


Square a Number
Given an input x, return y, which is equal to the square of x.

circa 7 anni fa


Back to basics 14 - Keywords
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Return a cell array of all MATLAB keywords

oltre 7 anni fa


Back to basics 21 - Matrix replicating
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input matrix, generate an output matrix that consists o...

oltre 7 anni fa


Reverse the vector
Reverse the vector elements. Example: Input x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] Output y = [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]

oltre 7 anni fa


Bottles of beer
Given an input number representing the number of bottles of beer on the wall, output how many are left if you take one down and ...

oltre 7 anni fa


Shift elements of vector left
Shift elements of vector to the left. For ex. : Input_vec = [1 2 3 4 5] Output_vec = [2 3 4 5 1]

oltre 7 anni fa


Triangle sequence
A sequence of triangles is constructed in the following way: 1) the first triangle is Pythagoras' 3-4-5 triangle 2) the s...

oltre 7 anni fa


Find a Pythagorean triple
Given four different positive numbers, a, b, c and d, provided in increasing order: a < b < c < d, find if any three of them com...

oltre 7 anni fa


Side of a rhombus
If a rhombus has diagonals of length x and x+1, then what is the length of its side, y? <<

oltre 7 anni fa


Is this triangle right-angled?
Given any three positive numbers a, b, c, return true if the triangle with sides a, b and c is right-angled. Otherwise, return f...

oltre 7 anni fa


Dimensions of a rectangle
The longer side of a rectangle is three times the length of the shorter side. If the length of the diagonal is x, find the width...

oltre 7 anni fa


Side of an equilateral triangle
If an equilateral triangle has area A, then what is the length of each of its sides, x? <<

oltre 7 anni fa


Area of an Isoceles Triangle
An isosceles triangle has equal sides of length x and a base of length y. Find the area, A, of the triangle. <<http://upload...

oltre 7 anni fa


Area of an equilateral triangle
Calculate the area of an equilateral triangle of side x. <<

oltre 7 anni fa


Length of the hypotenuse
Given short sides of lengths a and b, calculate the length c of the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle. <<http://upload....

oltre 7 anni fa


Is this triangle right-angled?
Given three positive numbers a, b, c, where c is the largest number, return *true* if the triangle with sides a, b and c is righ...

oltre 7 anni fa


Find the Nth Root of a Given Number
Find the Nth root of a given number x. Examples x = 4096 n = 4 y = 8 x = 625 n = 5 y = 3.6239

oltre 7 anni fa


Matrix to column conversion
Given a matrix of any size, convert it into a column vector. e.g A=[10 20 30; 40 50 60] then, B = [10; 40; ...

oltre 7 anni fa


UICBioE240 2.8
Convert x number of hours into seconds.

oltre 7 anni fa

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