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Get the index from the comparison of two different lenght vectors
You can use function INTERSECT for this: >> A = [1 2 3 5 6 8 9 7 10] ;B = [1 5 7 9]; >> [c, ia, ib] = intersect(A,B) c ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 3
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How to build s-function for linux on windows7 enviroment
You can actually cross-compile the code that was generated on a Windows platfrom for a Linux platform by modifying the template ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
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Initial output value of Outport in top level subsystem of a model.
There is an optimization option which you can check to remove the zero initialization of root level I/O ports: "Remove root leve...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
implementation in FIS
FIS stands for fuzzy inference system. When you design fuzzy systems with the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox you can save them to disk as ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
Winsound not working in 64-bit Session-based interface
On 64-bit MATLAB on 64-bit Windows, you can only use the session-based interface. The session-based interface furthermore works ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
how to interface matlab scopes in ms excel?
1. If you would like to print a picture from your figure and paste it to Excel the following link should be helpful: http://www...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
getting c code from an existing mexw64 file
What you are asking for is known as reverse engineering of compiled files. While this is not impossible to do it takes a lot of ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
Changing blocks in a cell array
You can do: X(1:10,2) = num2cell(ones(1,10)); or: X(1:10,2) = {1}; The class of the left hand side and right hand si...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
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How to append data in excel file ? why my program given below is not working ?
Function CHAR will not help in calculating the Excel ranges as those are in the A1 notation. You can find user-contributed util...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
Matlab Coder and saving variables to a file
You can use coder.ceval to call the C routine of FOPEN instead of the MATLAB implementation of FOPEN as this is not supported fo...
oltre 13 anni fa | 2
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Failure to include DLLs when compiling Simulink.
I assume that you were building an executable from your model with the Rapid Simulation Target. The reason you receive the err...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
Debugging TLC file
There is only the command line option available for debugging TLCs. Currently there are also no plans by MathWorks to implement...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
rtw grt-target, Parameters
With the GRT (grt.tlc) generated executable it is not possible to control parameters in the model. You can use "From File" and "...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
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How to suppress unwanted lines from ert generated code
If it is possible for you to upgrade your MATLAB version to R2009b or higher you probably will not have any problems with the un...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
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Bizare problem with FaceAlpha and rendering
Unfortunately you won't be able to create a plot with log scales and transparent objects. OpenGL is the only renderer that su...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
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Access to 'whos' in main workspace from a function
Try with EVALIN function: evalin('base','whos')
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
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Highlighting columns in figure
You can use property AlphaData to make certain columns transparent: h = imagesc(rand(10)); ad = ones(10); ad(:,2) = 0.5; a...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
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Setting parameters of a certain block
If you wanna change this offline you can use get_param and set_param commands to attain the value from the Constant block and se...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
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double-clicking .mat file opens a new Matlab without loading the workspace in Win 7
You should check if you have administrator rights on your system. Furthermore in Windows 7 applications do not normally start wi...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
Simulink Mask Editor commands inside S-Function (C/C++) source code ?
You did not specify which exact Mask Editor commands you would like to implement. However basically there are no C code equivale...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
How to add the figure toolbar to axes in a gui?
The question would be how these additional graphs are created and if they reside in a new figure window. If they reside in a fig...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
How to estimate the similarity between two signals?
Calculating the correlation coefficient might be a start. You can use corrcoef function for that. If the signal gets more compl...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
Interfacing matlab gui with simulink
This is possible by using SET_PARAM and/or SIM commands from the GUI callbacks. You will find examples in the solution under th...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
How to generate a DLL with Matlab Coder or Embedded Coder ?
Creating a dynamic library is currently not available with MATLAB Coder, only static libraries. One workaround can be to go thr...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
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Passing strings between subsystems
Passing the ASCII representation of characters is one way to achieve this. However if Level-2 MATLAB S-Functions are used you w...
oltre 13 anni fa | 2
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