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25 Domande
15 Risposte
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0 Punti principali
Simulation of crystal oscillator circuit a Simscape does not converge
Hi all, I'm trying to simulate the effect of load capacitors on a oscillator circuit using the Crystal Simscape block. This is ...
circa 14 ore fa | 0 risposte | 0
Model variable/jittered clock to sample a signal in Simulink - how does variable sample times work?
I'm trying to understand the impact of a clock jitter in an embedded system and its effect on an FFT calculation. Thus, I'm cre...
12 giorni fa | 1 risposta | 0
Create a cell array out of a struct
Create a cell array out of a (single) struct with the fieldname in the first column and the value in the second column: in: ...
circa un mese fa
Cell joiner
You are given a cell array of strings and a string delimiter. You need to produce one string which is composed of each string fr...
circa un mese fa
Is there a MATLAB package manager?
There's a package manager now, see Organize and Distribute Code Using MATLAB Package Manager - MATLAB & Simulink
4 mesi fa | 1
How to writetable to file with 2nd row containing VariableUnits?
Are there any non-verbose solutions using writetable available? We should really be able to choose to export variable units (e.g...
5 mesi fa | 0
How do I find uncommitted changes using Git within MATLAB projects?
What about this command? listModifiedFiles - List modified files in project - MATLAB (
6 mesi fa | 0
When a global variable is justified
What about a global logger class? You set select the log-levels at creation time.
6 mesi fa | 0
Why can't a concrete subclass use size and validator functions on abstract superclass properties?
Same question here. Is this something being subject to change or is it fixed? Background of this question is not about validati...
8 mesi fa | 0
How can I create an array of advanced system objects and perform the step method on individual array elements?
Need to come back to this question. Apparently, matlab.System and matlab.mixin.Heterogneous are not compatible.. classdef Rando...
8 mesi fa | 0
How to display aggregation and composition in Class Diagram Viewer?
It does! You just need to tell MATLAB which type of object you're expecting. Assuming: myClass.m classdef myClass prope...
9 mesi fa | 0
Named arguments of .mlapp don't auto complete
Are named arguments of mlapp (AppDesigner) methods not auto completed? For example, putting this into a class in a m file works...
9 mesi fa | 1 risposta | 0
parfeval with background pool fails when using Java classes
I'm trying to either use an existing database connection, based on com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver or to get that created in a parfeval...
10 mesi fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaImporting a .csv file
The right approach is not to have commas as decimal separators in your file. I know this is common in Europe and especially Germ...
11 mesi fa | 0
| accettato
Find out why mat files differ in size
Got it fixed. I've followed a similar approach as @Samay Sagar proposed, but ultimately used getArrayFromByteStream, see Serial...
12 mesi fa | 0
| accettato
Find out why mat files differ in size
I'm developing a rather complex class hierachy with a few GB of data embedded in its instances which might get saved to mat file...
12 mesi fa | 2 risposte | 0
Dynamic properties auto completion in argument validation
I love argument validation, and especially the option to use the ? operator to automatically list all class properties. However...
circa un anno fa | 1 risposta | 0
Extract regexp tokens with regexpPattern
With regexp I could extract the tokens of my capture groups via regexp("abcd3e", "\w+(\d)+\w", "tokens") The result is a cell...
circa un anno fa | 1 risposta | 0
Matlab Git integration broken: Trailing char < > at index 30
Hi, Neither R2023b nor R2024a pre can update the git status of my project. The Git indicators are small dots, hovering says "Un...
circa un anno fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaProfile and debug load function
I made some tests, and both, idnlarx (which does not support putting it into an array, just into a cell), and some of my custom ...
circa un anno fa | 0
Profile and debug load function
I have a .mat file containing an object of a custom Matlab class that mainly consists of a big data table of type table, stored ...
circa un anno fa | 1 risposta | 0
Function precedence in multiple nested Matlab projects
Matlab projects can add other projects as references. I started to use this to modularize my Matlab libraries. In fact, every gi...
circa un anno fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaAuto create functionSignatures.json from class? Or other way round?
Follow-up on my initial question. Since we now have Function Argument Validation - MATLAB & Simulink ( which is aw...
circa un anno fa | 1
Store and recall all appdesigner GUI data.
Is Matlab working on something like this? This is one key point of deciding if we will use Matlab for a rather complex GUI or no...
oltre un anno fa | 0
Avoid double validation for constructor arguments that are class properties?
I understand that class properties can be validated via property validation and I love it. I even love more that there's an opti...
oltre un anno fa | 1 risposta | 1
Function argument validation and editor auto-completion in wrapper functions/classes
TLDR; Is it possible to automatically use the same argument validation + auto completion in wrapper functions as the called fu...
oltre un anno fa | 1 risposta | 0
Dependency management & package manager like pip in ML
Hi all, Matlab is officially still lacking a proper package manager like npm or pip. I do not understand how people structure p...
circa 2 anni fa | 1 risposta | 3
iddata object is casted to struct in parfeval
Hi all, I'm trying to train my nlarx models in a background pool to abort the training after a timeout. But input data of type ...
quasi 3 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
Custom class properties and method attributes
Is there a way to add custom property or method attributes to handle classes? It is done by several classes or toolboxes, e.g. t...
oltre 3 anni fa | 1 risposta | 2
rispostaHow do I use live script (*.mlx) files in source control?
Any updates on that? Workarounds? Plugins for Github or GitLab? Mathworks is effectively destroying any kind of collaboration, -...
oltre 3 anni fa | 1