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statistical significance at the 95% confidence level
Hello, I have two learning algorithm LA1 and LA2. I ran these two learning algorithms on 5 datasets and got 10 numbers (5 fo...
oltre 8 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaAssigning a new data point to a cluster in hierarchical clustering
If you know your maxclust is 2, then just use 2-means. Hierarchical clustering and linkage will give you an insight about the nu...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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Use equation in for loop
data = rand(100,2); % just for an example [nrows,ncols] = size(data); total = 0; for m=1:nrows-1 total...
quasi 9 anni fa | 1
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"solve" bug?
It gives you the first integer number that meets the criteria (f<0) which is -5 (for -4 you should write f<=0). Matlab is not a ...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
I am trying to write a matlab code to check a solved 9X9 sudoku problem. I can't seem to get it to work. Any ideas where I went wrong?
It works fine ! m = randi(9,9,9); valid = (size(m) == [9, 9]); if (~valid) fprintf('Sudoku: size must be 9x9...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How could I make these functions as a loop?
It is not a good idea to use this kind of coding, but the following code will do what you want. for i = 1:5 a = s...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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printf newline not working
I could not understand the question. You have 20 words that you would like to put a new line after each of them, is it correct? ...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to plot data point by point and erasing the last one?
I have done pretty much animated plot with Matlab, What you need is a little trick !! y=[1,3,2,3,3]; n=numel(y) figur...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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How do I do weighted classification?
It depends on your evaluation criteria and does not have a straight forward answer. I suggest you to try them and see which give...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How do I do weighted classification?
You can easily change 'prior' to 'uniform'. 'uniform' sets all class probabilities equal. The default value is 'empirical' which...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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Why i got different standard deviation values when i apply these command for matrix called as M?
The differences are just on the border of the image. The reason is that colfilt and stdfilt handle the border pixels differentl...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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why is an error in this matrix??
Your vectors in c1 are m*1 matrices, so you should make n*1 zeros matrices instead of 1*n. M_column=cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)[z...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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Finding the first zero element in a row and fill the entire row with the last non zero element
It is my fastest way so far. Adding one column of zero at the end, finding the minimum of each row (which would be the first zer...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
Finding the first zero element in a row and fill the entire row with the last non zero element
I have an m*n matrix which has only zeros and natural numbers. If there is a zero in a row, all the remaining elements after the...
quasi 9 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0
risposteWhat would I need to make 'i' allow all matrices?
prompt = 'Give a matrix of 4x4: '; flag = 0; while flag ==0 x = input(prompt); [m,n] = size(x); if ...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
What would I need to make 'i' allow all matrices?
prompt = 'Give a matrix of 4x4: '; x = input(prompt); [m,n] = size(x); if m~=4 | n~= 4 disp('The matrix is not...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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Hi i am getting Index out of bounds error pls help me solve it
So, you should not attempt to get b(1,59) when the size of b is (93,58) !!!
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
trying to use 'readtable' command to read txt, file, but I couldn't specify the 'range' option
Yes, Range is for spreadsheet files only.
quasi 9 anni fa | 1
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How can I scan a text file in order to read a specific number in a line?
See the attachment for test.txt and put it in the current directory. fileID = fopen('test.txt'); A = textscan(fileI...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
Can the difference between impulse(sys) and plot(sys) be graphed?
Just feed a subtracter block with them (and abs block if you need the absolute value) and plot the difference. Just note that th...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
Data filtering one-second averages
Load your data in a matrix which the name is Data, then EndSecond = 3; NewData = zeros(EndSecond+1,5); for i = 0:En...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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I have a data set of 400 columns and 644rows .I need to select columns 1,2,11,12,21,22,.....381,382,391,392 or move these particular columns in to a can i write code for this in matlab
A = 1:20; M1 = A([1,2,11,12]); M2 = setdiff(A,M1);
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to do subplot loop?
M = rand(100,72); % make 72 variable to plot for i=1:24 figure for j=1:3 subplot(1,3,j) ...
quasi 9 anni fa | 2
How to save all data from a loop in excel?
Instead of writing each column in an excel file (which takes a lot of time, since each time you should get access to memory) it ...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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store data from for cycle
you should simply use two for: m =5; n=7; Mat = zeros(m,n); for i = 1:m for j = 1:n Mat(...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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How can I delete legends from a plot or subplot?
Open your figure and type in the command line: legend('hide') If you have many figures, put this in a loop and save the ...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
"Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch" when using a for loop
There is a mismatch here: flipud(y(i-L+1:i,1))' * g(:,it); You have a L*1 matrix (flipud(y(i-L+1:i,1))) and you are tran...
quasi 9 anni fa | 1
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How do i tell if an image has a shadow or not?
It is like someone come here and ask you how can I do face detection with Matlab! There are 88,500 of papers (search it in googl...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0