
Ieuan Evans

Last seen: 18 giorni fa Attivo dal 2016

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  • MATLAB Mini Hack Participant
  • Knowledgeable Level 2
  • Revival Level 1
  • First Answer
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Reverse within string
If input is a string 'yellow' the output should be 'leywol'. Locate the middle of the string and reverse the first (yel) and sec...

4 mesi fa

How are the two layers "sequenceInputLayer(num_channels) & bilstmLayer(HU,OutputMode="sequence")" connected to each other?
Hi Christian, For BiLSTM layers In MATLAB, for each of the input channels and for both the forward and backward parts of the la...

10 mesi fa | 0


Length of a short side
Calculate the length of the short side, a, of a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse of length c, and other short side of lengt...

circa 2 anni fa


Beauty of Parentheses
Given a string consisting of closed parentheses, form a string array in the following way so that the orders of these parenthese...

oltre 4 anni fa

Train a GAN example difficulty
This example was updated in R2020a to use this custom layer. If you use the command openExample('nnet/TrainGenerativeAdversarial...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

what is the number of LSTM cells in the network?
Hi Mohamad, The "Sequence Padding, Truncation, and Splitting" section of the documentation page Long Short-Term Memory Networks...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

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image caption in deep learning
Hi Michael, This example (new for R2020a) shows how to do image captioning using Deep Learning Toolbox and Text Analytics Toolb...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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What does SequenceLength property in the training options for an LSTM layer really mean and why is it there?
Hi, Indeed, the software "unrolls" the layer to have length given by |'SequenceLength'|. The network is stateful, so it also ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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What does SequenceLength property in the training options for an LSTM layer really mean and why is it there?
Hi, The number of hidden units corresponds to the amount of information remembered between time steps (the hidden state). The...

oltre 6 anni fa | 3


5th Time's a Charm
Write a function that will return the input value. However, your function must fail the first four times, only functioning prope...

oltre 7 anni fa


"Cody" * 5 == "CodyCodyCodyCodyCody"
*Alice*: What? *"Cody" * 5 == "CodyCodyCodyCodyCody"*? You've gotta be kidding me! *Bob*: No, I am serious! Python supports...

oltre 7 anni fa


Number of Even Elements in Fibonacci Sequence
Find how many even fibonacci numbers are available in the first d numbers. Consider the following first 14 numbers 1 1 2...

oltre 7 anni fa


The 5th Root
Write a function to find the 5th root of a number. It sounds easy, but the typical functions are not allowed (see the test su...

oltre 7 anni fa

How to make a word cloud using Matalb ?
As of R2017b, you can create word clouds from text data using the < wordc...

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

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Words Count: A String Array Approach
Given an input character vector consisting of words, punctuation marks, white spaces, and possibly newline characters (\n), arra...

circa 8 anni fa